chapter 10

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                   Harry"s POV

While I was dancing I got tired so I went over to the booth where we all were I looked around to try to find Vanessa. But caught no sight of her. I saw Selena and Zayn, Emily and Niall, and Tanner he was around a bunch of drunk girls. I got worried so I asked the bar tender if he saw her. He said yes and that she was crying and running towards the Exit. I went outside but only saw her car. I decided to go back into the club and tell everyone that she is missing.

                Vanessa's POV

As I slowly woke up my face was burning. They must of removed the tape. I looked around and saw I was in a tiny bedroom. My hands were cuffed to the bed. I looked around and heard and faint cry.

"Whose there!" I yelled

"Shhh! He will hear you." She whispered

"Who?" I whispered back

"The man upstairs." She whispered

Then I heard foot steps come from upstairs. And a smokers cough. I stared to panic.

"I see your up." Said the man. He was skinny black hair that dropped in his eyes. Which made him seem even more scary.

"Who are you and where am I?!" I yelled

"Calm down babe your at my house and I am your worst nightmare." He said laughing

I started to cry and the man came closer to me and slapped me repeatedly. My face was so sore I held the tears that were about to fall so he wouldn't slap me again.

"Now listen here you are going to be sold as slaves you over there already know that." He said pointing to the girl in the corner.

"Every night u will be sold as u know special slaves for men." He said grinning

"Know if you excuse me I have to go round up more girls." He said and walked back upstairs

I turned to the girl and asked her for here name. She said it was Mady. What a quintessence. But it was a different Mady she had Blonde hair in a pony tail and she did not have a fake tan. I let a few tears slip and the man would come back about every 2 hour with girls. By the morning there was about 20 of us in that tiny room.

The man came down stairs that morning and told us everything that would happen to us.

I couldn't believe that this was happening to me. I couldn't cry anymore I had no tears left. And my face hurt really bad from that guy beating me last night.

All day there was silence once in a while a Littel cry or maybe whisper. It was so depressing. I was still scared I was not ready for tonight at all. Once the time came the man lined us up. I could hear people upstairs. And I got worried I was in the middle of everyone. And Mady was behind me I was so scared that I shaked in fear. I was praying all day for a miracle to happen I prayed that my friends would find me. Just then I remembered my phone it was in my bra our hands were not tied but the man threaded us that if we even tried to itch he would beat us or stab us in the stomach. Like he did to the one girl with red hair last night.

"Ok girls we are heading up stairs now and some of you are model's." He said looking at me.

"So I expect you to act like this is your runway I want you to pose and model for these people upstairs then we will occasion you off one by one." He said grinning

Mady turned to me and whispered

"I have a plan." She said.....

Well you made it thus far. Tell me what you the think of the book. Will the girls ever escape, will the man kill one if them before the even make it up stairs, keep reading to find out I promise I will update guys. And thank u so much for reaching this book it means a lot to me. 😘

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