Chapter [ 16 ]

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[ 16 ] : Emotionless

A complete lack of displaying emotions

• A complete lack of displaying emotions

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"Blaine..." Monae's voice startled Blaine.

"I didn't... tell... them anything... about you... or Nero Teschio..."

Blaine grit her teeth.

"I don't... I don't care about that!!"

Monae fell back unconscious in Blaine's arms and Blaine shook her. "Monae..."


Blaine received no response from Monae's body. She clutched her body tightly. Seething at nothing in anger.

Blaine knew who was responsible.

"Those bastards... I won't let them get away with this." Blaine muttered.

"Call the leader of the Biance Piuma Mafia! Tell her Blaine wants to speak with her!" Blaine yelled at her men.

Blaine lifted Monae's body from the ground into a princess carry.


Monae's eyes opened and she sprung up only to wince in pain and lay back.

"You're awake?"

"Blaine..." Monae called hoarsely and Blaine switched on the lights in her room. "Yeah... I'm right here. You're safe now."

Monae ignored her statement as she sat up in bed. "Be careful..." Blaine warned with her hands near Monae's waist just in case. Monae noticed she was naked.

Shock overwhelmed her when she looked down. But she bore with it.

"Your injuries aren't fatal. If you rest for the next week you should be fine..."

Blaine put away a first aid kit.

"Blaine..." Monae called the woman who already was watching her. "Yeah?-" "-Make love to me..." Monae whispered with her gaze on the silk white bedsheets.

Monae looked up to Blaine and chuckled. "But I guess you don't want to with a body like mine... after what's happened-" "-Sh..." Blaine cut her off as she caressed Monae's face. Her green eyes staring.

Blaine pushed their lips to connect and Monae fell back against the bedsheets. Monae's breathing stiffened. Then Blaine withdrew as she distanced herself, "Can't... I can't make love to you."

"I knew I wouldn't be able to."

Monae just laid there still as she gazed straight up at the ceiling.

"It's because I'm... If only I wasn't who I am. If I were a normal girl. I wish I was. To not have to worry about money or the mafia. You are precious to me... I want to spoil you and prove to you that I love you before I make actual love to you."

Monae felt something in her heart but it quickly faded away leaving her empty.

"For now... just focus on recovering from those injuries. I won't be going anywhere so-" "-Okay..." Monae cut her off.

Blaine stayed by Monae's side that night, stroking her mane until she fell asleep. Then Blaine decided to take care of some business as she stood up.

Her phone began to ring and she picked it up immediately to not wake up Monae. "It's me..." Blaine answered.

"We contacted the leader of Bianca Piuma and she agreed to meet you."

"I see..." Blaine responded, "I have a big favor to ask you before we do that..."



Monae's voice woke Blaine up who had fallen asleep beside the bed. Blaine grew alert, "Huh? What's wrong? Are you in pain?-" "-No." Monae said, "You've been sleeping there this whole night?"

Blaine shrugged, "Sort-of. Didn't I tell you that I wanted to stay by your side?"

"Did you sleep well? How do you feel?"

"Yeah... I'm fine," Monae lied to Blaine. She couldn't tell Blaine that she really felt nothing. Nothing at all. Not even the fact fazed her that Blaine stood by her side all night to make sure she was alright.

Monae then faked a smile as Blaine stared at her in suspicion. "My injuries have already healed. I'm fine. I'm like Batman or something," Monae chuckled and Blaine laid her back as she scanned her injuries. "Laugh! Blaine! Why are you so serious?" Monae stared as Blaine's green orbs met Monae's fiery brown ones.

"I'm fine. You can stop worrying."

Blaine then sighed in content before she tweaked Monae's nose. "You dumbass... 'course I was worried about you." Then she stood up from the bedside. "Well then... I need to get going now..."

"Blaine..." Monae's voice was low and Blaine glanced over to meet her gaze. "Please don't think about getting revenge. I don't want to see anyone get hurt." Monae said and Blaine gave her a smile, "Okay..."

Blaine threw on her coat on the way out and then left out of her bedroom.

Monae laid back and stared up at the ceiling. She knew Blaine was lying.


Blaine arrived at Bianca Piuma's hideout and walked into the mansion.

"Giovanni is in here." Andrea muttered from outside the door and Blaine gave her a nod before walking in.

Blaine recognized the familiar silhouette of the woman dressed in a white suit.

Giovanni smiled as she met Blaine's hazardous glare on her.

"Long time no see Blaine."

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