Chapter 3

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I had to compose myself before entering the classroom. Thank God, he was the only one who saw my minnie mouse incident. I hurriedly went to my seat. I usually sit at the back and my first subject was Geometry so it just makes perfect sense. I hate math.

“Good morning, class.”

“Good morning, Mr. Socorro”

Mr. Socorro was our Geometry teacher. He's a bald old guy who doesn't seem happy to be teaching us with Geometry. I don't blame him.

“Before we start, I'd like you all to welcome your new classmate. He transferred here from London. Mr. Clarke, please come forward and introduce yourself.”

There he was, standing tall beside the teacher in his jeans and plain gray shirt with jacket on his hand and a black backpack over his shoulder. He's probably around 6”, medium built, light brown hair and a very handsome face. He has intense brown eyes, a perfect size nose, small lips but with a manly jaw... I guess at that moment I understood what the fuss is all about.

“Hello, everyone. You may call me Evan. I hope we can all be friends”

And then he looked at me straight in the eye and smirked. That smirk! I hate him for being too perfect already.

“Why don't you find yourself a seat Evan so we could get started with today's lecture. I presume you have all the necessary books and references, yes? Good.”

He walked with grace. You can tell how careful he is with his actions but at the same time he exudes confidence that everybody can't help but gaze.

“HELLO EVAN!” Megan touched his arm as he passed. “Why don't you sit here beside me?”

What a flirt. Megan's the daughter of a Senator father and a Beauty Queen mother. She's attractive, athletic and rich. Every boy wants her, every girl hates her. If you think about it, new kid and Megan is perfect for each other.

“Sorry, Megan. But I may have to sit at the back with a good friend of mine, Annie.”

Ha! That's what you get for being...wait what? Did he just said ANNIE?

“You're friends with her? Paano? I mean how? Annie? As in Anita Mendez?”

Then everyone stared at me in disbelief. You can see how pissed the girls are, especially Megan.

“It's a very boring story.”

He proceeded to sit beside me. And not just beside but really close to me.

“Pano mo nalaman ang name ko? Do I even know you?”

“Oh, you will.” and then he winked at me.

Was that a wink? And now he's smirking again. Who the hell is this person? Why is he acting like this? I don't like drawing attention to myself and he is so not helping.

“Whatever. Please, malaki ang space. Dun ka sa dulo umupo.”

Our desks are big tables where two people can share. He sat really close to me and I don't like it.

“Are you frightened of me? I don't bite.”

“I don't like people invading my personal space.” I then glared at him.

“I think you just don't like people”

“You know me better than myself huh. Now, move”

Good thing he did but not before smirking at me again.

Geometry is a 45 minute subject. I hate it. Too bad its prerequisite for Calculus which is a prerequisite for graduation. I still don't get the need for me to learn about shapes and functions and alphabets in math. They are unnecessary and complete waste of my time. So I usually spend Geometry drawing anime stuff on my notebook instead of listening.

“Ms. Mendez? Are you listening? Ms. Mendez?”

“Po? What? Yes, Sir?”

“I said, could you please answer the problem written at the board.”

If one side of a square is doubled in length and the adjacent side is decreased by two centimeters, the area of the resulting rectangle is 96 square centimeters larger than that of the original square. Find the dimensions of the rectangle.

 Shoot. How do I answer this. Shit.

And then suddenly a paper appeared before me.

The rectangle measures 24 cm by 10 cm.

“Umm...the rectan...the...the rectangle measures...24...umm 24 by 10cm?”

“Good. Now could anyone explain how she got that answer? Yes you Mr. Rodriguez.”

That was so close. But why would he help me? Are we friends? I don't remember befriending him. He's a lot weirder than me.

“Umm. Thank you.” I whispered.

“Of course” and then he smirked again.

What a jerk.


Thank God. That was probably the longest class I've been in.

“See you around, Anita Mendez.”

Did he just say my complete name? How does he even know me?

Before I could say anything, he was out of sight. So I did what any normal teenagers do. I went to my next class, Arts. It's my favorite subject. Mikita will be there too.


Decided to arrange the chapters by parts. Read and continue. Please do vote and comment!

Half Filipino, Half Lies (COMPLETED)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon