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Jessica's pov

A nurse just left with the blood she took from Rose's arm. "Glad that's over." Rose says. I laugh. Aunt Mary and Uncle Jeff are talking to each other out in the hall.

I wonder how Trevor is taking this.... Him and Rose are perfect for eachother and now Rose doesn't even remember him... and on top of that Rose basically just kicked him out of her room. I hate that he has to go thorough this. At least he has Sam to comfort him.

"Jessica? Ya there?" Rose says as she snaps me back to reality. "Oh yea sorry. Just got lost in my thoughts." I say with a fake laugh.

"You're not still thinking about those guys... Are you?" Rose asks me. Of course I am. "Yea. Yea I am." I confess.  "Why?" She asks. "Because that's my boyfriend! And you're boyfriend! And all he wants is for you to remember him! Can't you tell? He's in love with you!" I yell. "Yea well too bad for him. I don't remember him." Rose snaps back. "When did you become such a jerk?" I ask. "I don't know since I stopped letting people walk all over me. I guess you never seen the new me." She says. "I guess not." I snap back. I turn my back and sit in the chair in the corner.

"Jessica?" Aunt Mary asks me. "Yes?" I ask. "Can you come out here?" she asks. "Yea." I say.

I walk out of the room to face Aunt Mary, Uncle Jeff and two doctors I have seen before. "What's going on?" I ask. "Rose has something where she won't remember new things. See she thinks its February when its actually June. She will be like this if she doesn't take the medicine everyday... She will regain her memory in about a week. But she HAS to take this everyday or else it goes like it is now." They tell me. "Okay... um how long does she have to take it?" I ask. "Unfortunately, for the rest of her life." They tell me. Wow. Um okay. "Okay." I say. a relief hits me. At least she'll remember.  "Thank you." I say. "No problem."

The doctors tell Aunt Mary and Uncle Jeff how she has to take it at night because it'll make her fall asleep. They also tell us how she won't know that she has to take a pill..... so we have to sneak it.

Later that night...

We arrive at Aunt Mary and Uncle Jeff's house at around midnight... it took forever for them to release her. "I'm going to take a shower."  Rose tells us. "Okay. I'll be making dinner." Aunt Mary tells her.

I set up the table and then go to my room to text Sam and Trevor.


Almost immediately after I get a response.

Sam: What?!

Trevor: What?!

Me: Rose is going to remember!

Trevor: Omg that's amazing! I can have my Someone back!

Sam: That's great!

Me: I know. I can't wait!

Trevor: Me either!

Sam: Same!

We then end the conversation.

I then start playing Flappy Bird on my phone just trying to pass time.

"One, two, Three, AHH, Okay, NO! Six? Really Jessica? That's the best you could do?!" I ask myself.

"Why are you talking to yourself?" My head shoots to the door where Rose is standing in the doorway with her wet hair in a bun and her blue and white owl pajama pants on with a wite tanktop.  "Oh." I say with a small laugh. "I was playing Flappy Bird." I tell her.

"I hate that game. Yet love it at the same time." She tells me as she sits on my bed. "Same." I say with a laugh.

I love how me and Rose can go from a fight earlier today to laughing later that night. Our friendship is literally that strong. I hate that I have to keep things from her. I hate having secrets that I can't tell her. I hate being scared to open up infront of her when she is my best friend. I hate it so much. She doesn't even know.

"Jess? Are you there?" She asks. "Oh yea sorry." I say. Can you say awkward?

"Girls! Time for dinner!" Aunt Mary says. Me and Rose look at each other, then the door, then each other and then take off to the door.

"What are we hav-" Rose says as she gets cut off by the delicious food. "STEAK!!" Rose says as she jumps up and down clapping her hands together. I just laugh.

"Well don't just drool over it. Eat it!" Aunt Mary says as she hands her and I a plate. "I gave you sweet tea since I know you love it." Aunt Mary says. Yea with a pill Rose doesn't know she is taking. "Jess what would you like to drink?" She asks me. "Tea please." I say politely. 

We chat at dinner about Rose and what she remembers and stuff.

"So if you don't mind me asking... How long have I been in California?" Rose asks us. "Almost a month." Uncle Jeff says. "Oh wow." Rose says. "Yea." I say.

We finish our last few bites and go to sleep for the night since its now like 3 in the morning. "Goodnight!" Rose says to all three of us. We all say it back. "Night!" I tell them as I walk to my room and change and drift off to sleep.


WOO LONG CHAPTER JUST FOR YOU GUYS TO SAY THANK YOU FOR SO MANY READS! AND BECAUSE I LOVE YOU! Kk hope you like it. If you have any questions comments concerns or ideas just message me! :)


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