The Beach

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Emilio's POV

I deepen the kiss. I grab her waist and pull her closer to me. She lets my tongue explore her mouth. " Wanna come back to my place" I say between kisses. She nods. I stop the kiss and lead her to the car. I drive to Alissa's house, that's luckily two minutes away. When we get there, I quickly open the door and let her in. It's dark inside and I can tell Ivan and Alissa are sleeping. I lead her to my room. I open the door to my room. We walk in and I close the door and lock it. We   began kissing passionately. I lay her on the bed and take my shirt off. She smiles and I start kissing her again. She takes off her shirt and shorts. And she takes off my pants. Emilee takes off her bra and I slip off her underwear and my boxers. Then, well we sort of did " it".☺️ But We were almost done, until we heard a knock at the door. I guess we were a little too loud😏. " shit"  I whisper. "What" I ask in the most casual voice. " Um, not interrupt, but can you guys keep it down" I hear Ivan say in a tone that sounds mad and irritated at the same time. "Um, yeah sure" I say. Then I hear Ivan walk away. "Where were we " I say.

The  Morning

I wake up and Emilee is gone. " Emilee" I say. Then Emilio walked out of the bathroom wearing my pink sweater and no shorts. " Hey, miss me " she grins. I smile and walk up to her and kiss her on the lips. " I think I better go Emi " she says. Emi, I like it. I make a puppy dog face. " I have to I'm sorry" Says Emilee. " Okay" I say. " Would you want to go on a 2nd date with me Emilee, say the beach, Today at 4pm" I ask. She smiles " Sure" She says. I grin. " Here, I'll walk you out" I say. We get dressed and I open my door. We walk to the living room then to the door. I open it and she steps out. " See you later Emi" She says and kisses me on the lips and walks away. " Bye" I say softly. I close the door and turn around and see Ivan at the table clearly watching the whole thing. He shakes his head. " What, I can't date anyone " I ask in a irritated tone. " Did you do * it* with her" he asks me softly. " Well sort of " I say rubbing my neck. " Did you do * it* with her or not Emilio" Ivan says almost yelling. " Yes Ivan, I had sex with Emilee, you happy, there I said it, I had sex with Emilee, deal with it" I slightly yell and storm to my room and slam the door. Uhh, I feel bad that I yelled at Ivan. I check my phone, it's now 2:00. Maybe I should go and visit Team 10. No. Apologies to Ivan. Not yet, give us some time apart. Get Emilee a present. Yes. I quickly change and drive to a jewelry store. After looking around for awhile, I have my eyes on one thing I should get Emilee. Here check it out.

"Excuse me ma'am, how much are these two things" I ask the worker

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"Excuse me ma'am, how much are these two things" I ask the worker. " Those two, are $4,000.00" she tells me. What $4000.00 . I think for a second. " Can I have them both please" I say. She nods and motions for me to follow her to the counter. I pay the $4000.00 and she gives me the necklace box and earrings box in a bag. I walk out and check my phone, it's 3:20. Shit. I drive home and change into a white shirt with a black tie, black pants,black belt, black shoes and I fix my hair. I go into my bathroom and look in the mirror. I look good. Ivan walks into the bathroom and we just stare at each other for a second. I walk over to him and give him a hug. " Sorry for yelling at you" I tell him. " Sorry for over reacting, you can date whoever you want, whenever you want" Ivan says. " So we're good" I say. " Yeah,we're good" Ivan says. " Whoa, why are you all dressed up" Ivan asks me. " A date" I grin. " Niceeeeee" He says and walks away. I check myself out one more time. I get my swim trunks,sunglasses, sunscreen,towels and snacks. I check my phone. It's 3:50. I drive to the beach. I get the roses out from my trunk and the necklace and earrings. I walk to the spot I told Emilee to  meet me at and I stand and wait with the jewelry and roses.

I see Emilee walking towards me in a beautiful red dress. " Wow, you look beautiful " I say. " Thanks handsome " she says. " I got these for you" I say handing her the roses. " Aww babe thank you so much, you didn't have to" Emilee tells me admiring the roses. " Um I know it's only our second but, I got you these too" I say and give her the two boxes. She opens them " Babe, How much was this" She asks me. " Uh, $4000.00" I say nervous. " No I can't take this, your wasting your money on me, no babe I can't " she says. " Please take it, for me" I Say. She starts tearing up. " I can't believe you did this for me" Emilee says. " I'd do anything for you " I tell her. She kisses me on the lips and hugs me. " Emilee" I say. " Yeah" Emilee says. " Will you be my girlfriend" I ask her nervously. " Yes, Yes, A million times yes" Emilee says. I smile, and pick her up and spin her around. When I put her down, I swear I saw Team 10 across the beach, but I'm probably hallucinating. " Let's go swim" I say. We change into our bathing suits and set up a spot for us to tan at. I grab Emilee's  hand and walk into the water.

After playing in the water, I bump into someone and I turn my head slightly and say " sorry" without looking at them. " It's Okay " I hear a girl say. I turn around and see...........Tessa. Fuck. We look at each other for a second until Emilee says " Emi, are you ok" and she walks over to me. " Oh hey Im Emilee, do you know Emilio" Emilee asks Tessa. " No, No I don't but it was nice meeting you guys got to go, the squad is calling, bye" Tessa says and leaves. She lied, classic her😡. But I'm not about to let her ruin my night with Emilee. " Come on babe, let's go dry off, I have one more surprise  for you at my house" I say😏😉😉. " Do you want to go to my house instead" Emilee asks. I nod.When we get to Emilees house we get it on. Ripping each others clothes off and kissing passionately. We are in her room doing *it*. " Do you live with anyone" I ask her. " I used to live with my brother but he moved out about a month ago, but he is visiting and he is probably hanging out with his friends anyway " Emilee says. " Okay" I say and we continue.
10 minutes later
We are still doing it but then " What the fuck is going on" I hear someone yell. Emilee is on top of me kissing me. We stop kissing and turn our heads and see............Don't worry, I'm not gonna leave you on a cliffhanger
We stop kissing and turn our heads and see.......Jack Garcia. " Jack,get out what are you doing " Emilee yells at Jack. " What the fuck Em, what would Mom and Dad think if they saw you doing this" Jack yells. Holy Shit Jack is Emilee's Brother. Emilee takes one of the blankets, wraps it around her and pushes Jack out of her room and she locks the door. I start getting dressed. " Sorry babe, I didn't know Jack would be here" Emilee explains. " It's ok " I say in the most normal voice. Emilee gets dressed and walks me out. I feel hands grab my throat and I get pushed against the wall. It's Jack. " What the hell are you doing here" He yells at me. I push him off me. "He's my boyfriend, Jack leave him alone" Emilee says. I brush myself off. Then I kiss Emilee on the lips, " Bye babe" I say. She waves and I walk to my car and drive to Alissa's.
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Word count: 1478

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