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Found a old picture online of The Martinez Twins. So cute😍😍.

Emilio POV
When I get back to Alissa's, Ivan is waiting for me. " What's up Ivan" I ask. But before he can answer Jake walks out from the kitchen. " hey Emilio" Jake says awkward. I stand there awkwardly. " Listen Emilio, Your my brother and I love you to death but I'm moving back into Team 10" Ivan says " And I want you to come with" Ivan adds. " Ivan, What about Tessa and Ja.." I say but Ivan cuts me off. " You have a girlfriend, Emilio, You don't have to worry about Tessa or Jack, just ignore them " Ivan explains. " I can't now" I mumble. " Why not " Jake asks me. Shit, they heard me. " Because....Because I'm dating Jacks sister" I say. " What, Jack is Emilee's brother" Ivan says surprised. I nod. " Emilio, if you and Ivan come back to Team, you won't have to worry about Tessa and Jack" Jake says. " Your going to kick them out" I ask. " No, but I will talk to them, So what do you think...Deal or No" Jake asks me. I look at Ivan then Jake. I think for a second. "Deal" I tell Jake. He gives me a bro hug. And we start packing our stuff. Alissa was at the mall, so she doesn't know Jake is here. After packing, I left a long note for Alissa then we all get into Jakes car and drive to Team 10.
10 minutes later
We get out of the car. I take my suitcases and open the door. I walk into the living room where Aj, Erica and Alex are on the couch. " Hey guys" I say. They turn their heads.         " Emilio" They all yell at the same time. They hug me tightly. " Guys I can't breath" I laugh. They let go of me. When Ivan walks in they do the same thing they did to me. My smile fades when Jack and Tessa walk downstairs.

Tessa's POV Finally
Over these Past few weeks everything was a blur.When Aj told me what happened with the girl that kissed Emilio, I felt so bad for what Jack and I did to Emilio😔. Jack and I split up because I didn't have feelings for him anymore.
I hear yelling downstairs, so Jack and I walk downstairs. When we reach the end of the stairs, I see Emilio, Ivan and the squad. Here comes the Drama. Lord Jesus Bless my soul. Everyone goes silent. " Hey Tessa" Ivan says. " Hey Ivan" I say back. Jack runs and hits Emilio. Emilio falls but gets back up and punches Jack, then again,then again. Jake pulls them apart. " Jack what the hell" Jake yells. " That's what he gets for dating my sister" Jack yells bleeding. " I didn't know she was your fucking sister Jack" Emilio yells back unharmed. " It's too late Jack, I love Emilee" Emilio says. Woah, He loves her. Jack goes and tries to dive for Emilio but Jake jumps in the way and stops him. " Jack go outside and calm down, Emilio and Ivan sorry this was a bad welcome back party but go upstairs and unpack, Everyone else go back to doing what you were doing" Jake says. We all listened to Jake. When Emilio passed Jack, Emilio hit shoulders with Jack. I went to the kitchen with Kade to eat. While Kade and I were eating, " Do you want to play a game" Kade asks me . " Sure, which game" I ask him. He thinks for a second. " How about Truth or Dare" Kade says. " Okay, I'll go first, Truth or Dare?" I ask him.        " Truth" he says. " Is it true, you have feelings for Erica" I whisper. He grins. " Maybe" Kade says. I smirk. " Okay my turn, Truth or Dare?" Kade asks me. " Hmmm...Truth" I say. " Is it true, you still have feelings for someone in the house" Kade asks me. " Nope" I tell him. " Okay" Kade says and rolls his eyes. After that I dare Kade to eat a spoonful of Mayonnaise. He does it, but spits it back out. Gross. " Tessa, Truth or Dare" he asks me. " Dare" I say. " I dare you to say I love you to the first person that looks at you, besides me" Kade says. I wait for someone to come, nobody does. But then Emilio walks into the kitchen and glimpse at me.  " I love you" I blurt out. " Taken" Emilio's says back. " Fuck you, it was a dare" I say. " Fuck you too" He says walking casually toward the cabinet. I flick him off behind his back, and he must of had super senses because, he flicked me off too with his back still facing me. " Asshole" I mumble. " Bitch" He says back. " Aww, what a cute couple" Kade says. And Emilio and I both flick off Kade.
After the game I went to my room. Jake got another bed for Jack, so we don't share a bed anymore. Whew yayyyy. I lay on my bed and think. I want Takis. Or Hot Cheetos. I got it, I'm gonna do the Hot Cheetos and Takis Challenge. But nobody in Team 10 likes Hot stuff. Except for Ivan and Emilio. Great😒. Maybe just Ivan. I walk to Ivan's, Emilio's and Kade's room and knock on the door. Ivan opens it. " Hey Ivan, want to do the Hot Cheetos and Takis Challenge with me" I ask. " Sure, sounds cool" Ivan says. Then we both go to the store. We buy every Hot Cheetos and Takis bags we can find. When we get back to the house, Ivan and I put the bags on the table. I get my camera. " Hey  Brooksters, Today I'm here with Ivan Martinez, Yes the Martinez twins are back. Anyway Ivan and I are going to do the Hot Cheetos and Takis Challenge. If you don't know what the Hot Cheetos and Takis Challenge is, it's were Ivan and I are gonna ask each other questions about ourselves and if you guess it wrong you have to pick a number from this bowl and eat that much hot Cheetos or Takis and if you get it right the other person has to pick a number. I'm guessing that's what it is.   Let's get it. I put the camera on the table and Ivan and I sit in front of the camera. " Okay Ivan, what is my favorite color" I ask. " Blue" he says. " Dang it, you got it right" I groan. I pick a number  from the bowl. " Number 2" I say and I open a bag of Hot Cheetos and eat 2 . " Okay Tessa, How many siblings do I have " Ivan asks me. " Two" I answer. " Correct" He says and pick a number. " Fuck" He mumbles. I'll beep that out the video. " What" I ask seeing what number he got. 840. I laugh. " Hey I'm Spanish, I can eat 840 Takis" Ivan says. I stare at him. " Fine, can I get some help " Ivan asks me. I turn off my camera." Hmm, I guess but don't call..." I say but he cuts me off. " Emilio come here" Ivan yells. Really. " Ivan" I whisper yell and pinch Ivan in the arm. " Ow That hurt " Ivan pouts rubbing his arm. Emilio walks downstairs and looks at me then rolls his eyes and pretends I'm not there. " What do you want, I'm texting Emilee" Emilio asks Ivan. I roll my eyes " I need you to help me eat 840 Takis" Ivan explains. " You really think we can eat 840 just the two of us" Emilio says. Ivan nods. " Can Emilee come and help, she's Latina " Emilio asks. " It's not that big of a deal but sure" Ivan says. I glare at him. Emilio texts Emilee. They start eating takis. When the doorbell rings, I get up and answer it. I see a girl. " Hey, can I help you" I ask her. " Hi is Emilio here, I'm his girlfriend Emilee" she tells me. " Oh why didn't you say so, come on in" I say. She comes in and I close the door. Emilio runs up to her and hugs her tightly. " Hey Emi" she says. " Hey babe" Emilio says happily. " So, are we gonna eat these Takis or what" she says clasping her hands together.

They finish them in 30 minutes. After the challenge, I go to Jakes room. " Hey Jake want to do something today" I ask him. " Sure, but not right now, I have a old friend coming over" Jake says. " K, tell me when your free" I say and walk back downstairs. I'm bored. " Ivan want to go get ice cream, I'm bored and hungry" I say. " Yeah sure, Emilio do you and Emilee want to come too" Ivan asks Emilio. Gosh damnit Ivan. " Yeah sure, why not" Emilio says. We get into my new car my mom bought me after I got my drivers license. We drive to the ice cream place and go in. " What kind of ice cream do you guys want" The waiter asks us. " Strawberry ice cream with chocolate syrup " Emilee and I say at the same time. We look at each other weirdly then laugh. " Can I have 8 chocolate covered strawberries please" Emilio says. " One chocolate covered banana please" Ivan says. When we all get our stuff, we sit down at a table. While we're eating, Emilee takes one of Emilio's strawberries and feeds it to him. I'm not even annoyed. Ivan and I just laugh. Emilee might not be that bad after all🙂.

Im making a new chapter as you guys read this. 😊😆
We are so close to 1000 reads. Ahhh😆
Let's get 5 votes on this. We can do it.
Word count: 1630

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