Chapter 12

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 "The big day is on the 'morrow. How do you feel?" Phillip and I were standing outside my door saying our goodnights. Robin was just around the corner in order to give us a little privacy, yet still be able to keep an eye on me.

"Honestly, I have no clue. I'm a little nervous to say the least. We still have no idea when Maleficent is going to enact the curse. Did you see my parents at sup tonight? My father seems to be becoming unhinged and my mother tries to sooth him, but the look in his eyes is unmistakable. He does't know how to counteract the curse and everything seems inevitable. The worst part is, I don't even think he's tried all that hard."

"Believe me he has tried. Part of the negotiations for our marriage were for my father to send our men in aid to your kingdom if need be, no matter the reason. At first Stephan said it was nonnegotiable, but my father is smart. Since then Stephan has begged my father to come to his aid in this, but my father still refuses. he says family squabbles are just that and it isn't in our place to intervene, until the marriage that is."

"So if something happens we are destitute. With very little men who are willing to fight and even fewer who won't run at the sight of her. What if she comes with an army?"

"I'll stand by you and your father. Stephan may not have been a good king at first, but he has proven himself since. And I will not leave you. I will do all that is within my power to protect you." Blush creeped into my cheeks and I couldn't help but smile.

"So, you do like me then."

"Yes," he chuckled "I dare say I do."

"Being a wildling and all?"

"Well, if you can learn to love an inconsiderate brute, then I can definitely love a wildling. Even if she is unfit to be around normal people." Phillip leaned in to kiss me but hearing Robin clear his throat from around the corner made him pull back with a smile playing on his lips. "He's a bit of an old man, but I like him. . . Goodnight, my wildling." He took my hand and guided it to his lips to lay a soft kiss on it.

"Goodnight, sweet brute." I watched him as he turned the corner. I was about to walk in before I heard him whispering to Robin.

"Keep a good eye on her. Listen to everything, Maleficent most likely will try to get her from inside her chamber. Send my man to fetch me if anything happens. I would stay myself, but—"

"I know, your father would be furious if he knew you were getting mixed up in this. Don't worry Robin, the King has me and several others guarding every entrance to her room, but I'll send word if anything happens." With a smile I pushed the door open to my room.

"Nami I'm sorry I took so long. I know you need to get to your baby so don't worry about getting me ready for bed. I can manage, you go alleviate your poor— Nami?" I looked around but no one was there. Then I turned around and there she was standing in all her regal glory with a proud smile spreading across her face. "Where is Nami, Maleficent?"

"She's resting over there." Nami was splayed across the floor by the side of my bed. I ran to her quickly and tried to rouse her.

"What did you do to her?"

"Nothing of notice, she'll be fine. Just, a little unresponsive to the world. It's funny, I set a trap out for a princess and lo I catch a maid. Well, I suppose we'll have to take what we can."

"What do you want Maleficent?" I turned to her angry.

"What I've always wanted. . . you."

"Wake her up." I demand and reached for my dagger at my belt, but it wasn't there.

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