Chapter 17

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I paced my room for several moments trying to find a way out. Finally, I concluded that I didn't necessarily have to find my way out. All I had to do was wait, the soldiers were only charged to guard the doors until the company left. I could easily sneak out and follow them after they left. I would only have to make up an excuse of absence and tell my godmothers, or my mother. What could I tell them? I definitely couldn't tell them I was going to follow Phillip and the other knights to the North. They may not let me go.

Naomi came back just as the guards left my door. She stared at them as they filed out then looked back to me confused. "What was that about?"

"Phillip, he thought it was a good way to keep me from joining him and the other knights to go rescue Elanore in the North."

"Ah— and what are you planning on making your way there?" I smiled, she knew me so well.

"I was waiting of those big metal bores to leave so I could sneak out and follow them on my own."

"Fair plan." She sat on my bed and looked at me nonchalantly but I knew she had something to say.

"What is your suggestion?" I jumped on the bed next to her.

"Are you sure you want to hear it?" She smiled and sat up. "Why don't you take someone with you?"

"Please don't say you."

"Why shouldn't it be me?" She crossed her arms defensively.

"I would love to go on an adventure with you but what I'm about to do is extremely dangerous. You have little Arthur to think about and your husband, I can't risk the chance of your life." She slumped on the bed defeated, she knew as well as I that I was right. I couldn't risk the life of little Arthur's mother.

"What about my husband?"

"No, I couldn't do that. If something happens and he dies Arthur will be at a disadvantage his whole life and that would be my fault." She was quiet again for a while. Then her face lit up and fell almost as quickly as it lit up.

"What is it?"

"No, you won't like it." I eyed her confused. She answered mine with an uncertain look of her own. "Well there is no other way. Now before you say anything, hear me out."

"Hear you out?" She was worrying me. What was she thinking about?

"Why not take either Antoinette, or Marian, or even both?


"Just hear me out—"


"You need to take someone with you Aurora. You cannot go on your own."

"Why not, I'm just as good on my own as I am with someone. Besides, what if something happens to one of them. They are the daughters of very wealthy and influential men. If one of them gets hurt, where will that leave the kingdom? And they wouldn't even know what to do on a quest like this. They've lived on nothing but comfort their whole lives. They can't even shoot a bow correctly or hold a knife.."

"That's a chance you will have to take. Listen to me Aurora, please don't go alone. You are reckless when you are alone."

"But they are more useless than helpful."

"Then who do you want to go with. I don't see any other option." I stared her down but she was unmoving.

I sighed exasperatedly, "Fine, but if they say no then that is the end of it. And I am going to honest with them and tell them the truth about the dangers of this quest."

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