Chapter 16

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 We were back in the west wing, or that is what it looked like. Maleficent was leading me through the old abandoned corridor, pieces of bricks were laying about and the vines from the roses were growing along most of the walls. She was leading me past many closed doors which piqued my curiosity to see what was behind. But every time I stopped and reached out to open a door she would suddenly stop and slap my hand away. Surprised I looked at the red spot on my hand where her long slim fingers made contact and back to her to see the classic arrogant and slightly annoyed look on her face. She would then command me to continue walking and follow her to wherever she was leading me.

I knew shouldn't follow her, yet something in me couldn't help but adhere to her command. With every step I took I felt as if my ability to think were disappearing and that feeling I had when I pricked my finger with the rose was beginning to creep in. I shook my head trying to keep the cloudiness from taking over so I could stay at least partially conscious for whatever she was wanting to show me. Then she stopped, she turned to look at me her face a little softer which made her held out hand all the more inviting. I reached out and took a hold of it as she pushed open the door she stood in front of. After that she disappeared, there was no sign of her anywhere. I looked but all I could see was darkness and it didn't matter how hard I tried I could see nothing.

A little light shown in the dark room. Elanore, sat atop a bed her ankle chained to the bed post at the foot of the bed. Stains from numerous tears streaked her face, her knees were gathered to her chest. I looked and there were men at the door guarding it. They had heavily solemn expressions, which made their haggard rough faces all the more frightening. They were heavily armed and equipped with spears, a bow and, from what I could see, a dagger. The men moved away and Maleficent came through the door with an angry expression. I saw her shout and push around Elanore then she turned and looked at me like she just noticed I was there. She said something in her language and a puff of smoke filled my vision. Then there was darkness once again.

A soft cooing voice came from within the darkness, it surrounded me. It kept calling me to come closer and give in. It was telling me not to resist, that it would only hurt for a moment. At first I tried running away but it was with me no matter where I ran.

"Don't worry little one, it will only hurt for but a moment. Don't you want to let go of all the weariness, the uncertainty? Don't you want to relieve yourself of this heavy burden? Then all you have left is rest, come to me." It continuously cooed at me.

"No." I said quietly "I am not afraid of you."

"Then why do you shutter at the sound of my voice? There is nothing to fear from me. I only want you, and I shall have you sooner or later.No one else wants you. Your mother and father gave you away. Your godmothers were only being paid. And Phillip, he will get older and his love for you will eventually disappear. Why not just save yourself the agony and come now?"

"No" I tried to scream but it came out through my tears and sounded like a half choked squeak. I could already feel the darkness surrounding me, filling me. I was beginning to feel weightless, like a shadow. "No" I tried again but it still didn't sound as convincing as I would like.

"Aurora" I heard a much lighter less sinister voice call to me from somewhere in the distance.

"Never mind that," the other voice warned. "Come to me." I fell to my knees and put hands on both sides of my head to tried and block the voice from my mind but it didn't work.

"Yes, that is right. Stay there, give in my dear."

"Aurora" the other voice called again. I looked up from my hunched position. It was like a light in the darkness. "Aurora" it repeated. I got up and tried to follow it even as the main voice tried to keep me where I was.

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