Chapter 19

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We caught up to them in no time at all. I told everyone to keep as much out of sight as possible. For such a big group they certainly were moving fast. I wondered if that was God or if it was Phillip's doing. We followed as far behind as we could without losing them not daring to get any closer than we could for fear that we would be seen. Part of me thought of trying to mix in amongst the men, but with three women in the group I doubt we could find enough armor that would help us mingle undetected.

It was at night when the troop stopped and made camp when our luck changed. As Phillip and soldier readied to sleep and begin fresh the next day we too sat and made a fire to keep warm. I heard hoof beats coming toward us. I told Antoinette and Marian to run for the trees to hide and sent Lord Rothstan with them. I stayed behind and tried to mingle into the darkness as best I could. The hoof beats stopped suddenly, confused I inched forward while still telling Lord Rothstan and the girls to stay hidden.

Suddenly a sword came out of the darkness and rested near my throat. "Phillip will be none too thrilled knowing you are here." A familiar voice mused.

"Then don't tell him that it is me." I sassily answered. "My shadow has returned." I smiled but Robin only stayed staring at me stoically.

"Who else is with you?" I swallowed hard.

"No one." He quirked an annoyed eyebrow at me. "No one." I said again.

"So you brought four horses just for you?"

"Yes." I lifted my chin up and looked defiantly at him.

"Aurora, as much as I respect you there is no way you would have found your way here without help. Who did you bring?"

"You needn't worry about it."

"I don't?" His eyebrows shot up his forehead and disappeared in the hair that gathered at his temple. "You have brought men to their death on a fools errand and I need not worry about it?"

"No, now will you be so kind as to remove your sword from near my throat?" He sheathed his sword. "How did you know that I was here?"

"Women" he muttered.

"Excuse me?" It was my turn to quirk my eyebrow at him and put my hands on my hips.

"Phillip has guards on lookout. We are in enemy territory, we have to be wary of attack. Some of the men on the night watch saw the smoke from your fire. Phillip sent me to scope out who it was."

"Oh." I looked at the traitorous fire with a still strong flame. "How did you know it was me?"

"I didn't, but when I came closer it was hard to mistake you."

"Will you tell him?" I looked at Robin sheepishly.

"Yes, I have to. You can't stay out here. You might be attacked, I need to take you to the camp where you'll be safe." He grabbed my upper arm and started steering me toward the horses.

"No," I wriggled out of his grasp. "I can't, he'll just send me back home. I can't go back now I've come too far."

"You can't stay here, you aren't safe."

"I can take care of myself." I stood in front of his large frame defiantly feeling every bit small, but unwilling to let him take me to the camp with him.

"What if a group of bandits come and attack you? You can't fight all of them by yourself."

"She won't need too, she has me." Lord Rothstan came from out of the shadows. Robin groaned and rolled his eyes.

"You brought Lord James Rothstan?" He looked at me incredulously.

"Yes she did, what of it?" James puffed his chest up a little.

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