05 | leave me alone

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I've been returning to the registration room any chance I had. I've been here about three or four times this past week, begging to change Eren's room. After being denied the simple request, I just grew more curious to why he was even accepted.

I've never seen Eren participate at school a day of my life. He never carried around textbooks, or stopped by his locker, or even ask the teacher for help. I did, I worked my ass off all through high school to get into college, and even now that I'm at Sina I continue to work hard. Eren can't just walk in and expect to become an expert in the medical field just because his dad has the money to enroll him.

Grisha is one if the best surgeons in the country. He's inspired to be become a surgeon after saving my mom from death after a server heart attack a few years ago. I give him that much credit, but his parenting skills are shit. He makes more money than he can send, so he spoils Eren like a puppy.

He acts like a little bitch so I don't see much of an argument.

I'm turned down for the fifth time this week. I mentally groan before turning on my heals to leave the building once more. I march out and down the steps in a childish way with a frown on my face and a wrinkle between my brows.

I need a plan. Just some sort of way to get into the file room. Actually, maybe I'm just overreacting. I don't need to know why.

But I want to. Of God, I really want to. I just need to be right, I have to. Eren's already beaten me at everything else, can I just have one thing against him where I know I'm right? Where I can actually feel better about myself?

All I ask is for one solid piece of evidence that I'm better than him, that all my heard work is worth the effort because I'm actually beating him at something.

I must have been too deep into thought because I've managed to ram into another person. I'm tossed back a few steps, shaming my head in shock from the sudden impact.

I'm about to apologize, since I was the one not paying attention, but then I realize that it's just Hanji. Her hair was messily tied into a bun, her glasses halfway down the bridge of her nose. Her nose was stuck in a textbook, a pen in her hair, and a notepad beneath the textbook. Her eyes were drooped, her under eyes darker than my black T-shirt.

She looked awful.

"Hey, what's up with you? You look like a walking corpse."

I manage to sound rude, but I was actually very concerned. She looks like a zombie with glasses larger than Eren's ego. I get working in the textbook room, studying, and our first exams were beginning to take their toll on her.

"Wha-?" She says dazed before snapping into reality. She quickly shakes hr head before stuttering her next words. "Yeah! I-I'm fine! Why wouldn't I be?"

I tilt my head, looking at her from a different angle with an are-you-sure-about-that? kind of look. She scratches her cheek and gives me the most fake smile anyone can give.

"Hanji, you look like you just came out of an insane asylum. Have you gotten any sleep?" I ask.

"No- I mean yes! I'm fine, really!" she lies.

I sigh and shake me my head slowly. Poor Hanji.

"If you're going to be a psychiatrist you have to be able to manage your schedule. Seriously Hanji, you can't walk around like you haven't slept in two days," I complain.

"I haven't..."

"You need to take better care of yourself or you'll end up having a high blood pressure from all this stress," I tell her. Look at me, already acting like some sort if professional.

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