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"Thank you, Seungcheol," Jihoon thanked.

"So we're on first name basis now, huh?" Asked Seungcheol as he ruffled the younger's soft locks.

Instead of replying, the boy just giggled. "We're getting married anyway, I figured maybe we could just call each other without being so uptight and formal," the boy muttered as he looked everywhere except for Seungcheol's eyes, a rosy blush colouring his cheeks.

Seungcheol chuckled.

With the boy still not looking at him, Seungcheol thought it was a good idea to kiss him as a distraction.

On the lips.

"Hyummfh!" Jihoon whined, hitting Seungcheol on the chest. They pulled away, a darker shade of pink was now tinting Jihoon's cheeks while a playful smirk was on Seungcheol's face. They made eye contact and stared at each other for a long time.

If only a girlish squeal didn't interrupt them, it could've been longer.

"Soonyoung?" Jihoon called out as he saw a mop of blonde hair hiding behind the flower bush. The said male peeked out and immediately apologized for interrupting their moment.

"I apologise Sires, for intruding on your moment together. But the deceased Queen's older brother is going to murder us if we could not find you," Soonyoung explained.

"Tell him that I'm fine and he need not to worry about me. I was with Seungcheol the whole time and I am very capable of keeping myself out of harm's way," the boy retaliated while rolling his eyes.

"It would be for the better if you said that yourself, Sire. I believe he has his distrust on Jun and I right now so it would be best to head back now, Sire," he said as he bowed towards Seungcheol, walking away while assuming the young Prince is following him.

Just as Soonyoung turned back, Jihoon was returning Seungcheol's kiss.

"See you again, Cheollie~" Jihoon cooed as he walked away, leaving a wide-eyed Seungcheol behind.

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