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"Young sir, wake up. We're going to land in a few more minutes," Joshua stated as he tried to wake up the young Prince.

"Young sir, wake up, please." The poor butler did this for a few times making Seungcheol find this annoying. "I'm awake. Stop shaking me and stop with the 'young sir' bullshit. I told you to just call me Seungcheol," told the Prince. "Yes, I'm sorry, Seungcheol. But I will only call you by your first name when we're alone," stated the half-american.

The plane landed a good 10 minutes after that conversation. Seungcheol walked through the arrival hall, Joshua towing behind him while pulling on the prince's luggage.

"So," the boy started, "what do we have to do now?" he asked.

"According to the order of the queen, you have to meet the Prince at a cafe. It's called 'A Small Little Cafe' and its somewhere near Osaka," told Joshua.

"If I'm going there, where are you going?" Seungcheol questioned the latter.

"I'll be putting your luggage in a hotel room her majesty, the Queen, had reserved for you. Don't worry, you won't be murdered in your sleep, the castle's best bodyguard will be assisting you everytime. You know, so that you come back whole," he joked as the Prince gave him an unimpressed look.

The butler continued, "You'll be heading there in a car the royal family of Japan uses for important guests. You will be escorted along the way. Your bodyguards should be waiting in front of the cafe. I'm sure you've heard of them, Jeon Wonwoo and Kim Mingyu," recalled Joshua.

"I understand. I'll see you later," he farewells the other when they saw two built men standing in front of a car, assuming they were the escorts.

"Sire," one of them said, "We'll be leaving now," he continued as the other one opened the car door for the Prince. He got in and they started the car.

The drive was fairly silent with no words exchanged between the three of them, making it awkward for the Prince. The boy took out his phone and scrolled through his Instagram account. He wasn't really surprised when he saw that Jeonghan had unfollowed him. He was quite saddened though, thinking of how they could've continued their beautiful relationship.

"Young sir," the door opened and revealed one of his bodyguards, Mingyu, who was holding the door. Seungcheol got out, amazed by how cozy-looking the cafe looked.

"This way, young sir," Wonwoo, his other bodyguard, said as he walked beside the male to show the other his seat. The cafe was oddly quite inside, making Seungcheol feel intimidated.

He was shown to a table in the middle of the cafe and sitting there, was a guy with a short stature with light brown hair that was gelled up, bold eyeliner outlining his eyes, all while wearing his uniform and his attention on his phone.

Seungcheol himself was wearing his uniform, which he was forced into by Joshua, 'The Queen's order,' he said. Hair also gelled up and his piercing of a cross hanging nicely by his ear.

He sat down in front of him and coughed softly, trying to get his attention.

"Sire, the Winsome Prince of South Korea has arrived," the bodyguard that was beside Seungcheol told the figure sitting in front of him in Japanese.

"That's good. Can you leave us here alone? I'll call for you after we're done talking," the Dark Prince replied in fluent Japanese. Seungcheol couldn't understand what they were saying even though his mother had always told him to pay attention in his classes, especially language.

"So, you're that Dark Prince that I'm going to marry," Seungcheol broke the silence.

"And you're that Winsome Prince my mother had been talking about," Jihoon uttered to the other in Korean.

"Anyways, why don't we introduce ourselves," he paused when he saw the male give him a 'what the fuck' face. "You know, to know each other more since we're getting married and shit," he defended himself.

The shorter just shrugged and motioned for Seungcheol to go first.

"Choi Seungcheol, aged 23, the only child and hobby is listening to music," he said simply. He gestured for Jihoon to go next.

"Lee Jihoon, 22, also the only child and I like listening and making music," he introduced.

Jihoon squinted his eyes when Seungcheol gave a sly smirk.

"I'm one year older than you, you have to address me as hyung now," Seungcheol stated as Jihoon rolled his eyes.

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