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The said male was unfazed by Seungcheol's exclamation, a blank facade masking his face.

"Yes, your highness," he confirms, bowing in respect.

Hearing the latter's response, Seungcheol's little grin fell as he remembered that they are no longer 'friends'.


"I'm sorry, your highnesses, but young Prince Chan has a curfew that ends in a few more minutes and we would be utterly grateful if you, your highnesses, could finish your little chit-chat with young Prince Chan immediately," he cuts the other off, reminding Chan of his duties.

"Why did you have to remind me," the youngest muttered, lips unconsciously turning into a small pout.

Jihoon, however, was feeling a bit jealous at Jeonghan for having Seungcheol's attention. Though, if he was asked, he would ultimately deny it since it would do no good.

"I see," Jihoon intercepts, seeing how Seungcheol was currently engaged in winning a staring showdown against Jeonghan, (which is obviously not helping Jihoon with his increasing jealousy). "Just let us say our goodbyes in privacy," he says, a bit (a lot) of a bite in his words.

"As you wish, your highness," he bows and walked towards the door.

"Jealous, I see," remarked the youngest as his butler was out of sight.

"No, I'm not," Jihoon lashed.

"Deny all you want, I can smell it clearly in the air."

"You can't smell a feeling."

"So, you are jealous," Chan mocked.

"I'm not."

"Whatever you say, hyung," Chan said, dropping the topic as he knew Jihoon will still deny it even if he was on the brink of death.

"It would be best if you were to go now, Chan. Jeo- I mean, your butler would be 'utterly grateful' if we let you leave now," Seungcheol, (whom the two cousins seem to have forgotten), interrupts the two male's quarrel as he kept staring at the mentioned butler through the gap of the curtain.

The other two could only let out a sigh, the younger giving a look of exasperation to the other, and wished them a farewell.

"Seungcheol," Jihoon called out. "Can we talk?"

Hearing Jihoon's timid voice, Seungcheol quickly walked towards the sofa, gesturing Jihoon to sit next to him.

"I'm well aware with how you are feeling right now, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that. I'm so childish, I know. It's just that, it's been a long time since I've seen him. I was surprised to meet him here, of all places. You understand, don't you?" Seungcheol reasoned as Jihoon stayed sitting in silence.

Jihoon dumbly nodded.

They were silent for a minute, save for Seungcheol's rapid intake of breaths.

"How many days?" A small whisper of Jihoon's voice broke the unsettling silence.


"How many days until you leave?" He asks, getting bolder.

A frown settled on Seungcheol's handsome face. "Two days."

"Can I- we- not see each other for the remaining days? I need to rearrange a few things, but I'll be there when you're about to board the plane," proposed Jihoon.


"I know it sounds selfish, but there seems to be a few unsettled stuff between you and Jeonghan so I thought maybe you would need time to reconcile some things with him. Talk over a few drinks, perhaps?" Jihoon suggested.

"Do you want me too?" Seungcheol asks, anger visibly rising.

"Why are you concerned about what I think? It's your choice."

"I'm going to be wedded to you. As your other half, I should at least care about your well-being," Seungcheol states, snarling.


"Lee Jihoon."

"Choi Seungcheol," mocked the younger.

"That's it. If you're gonna be childish, might as well call this off," he growled.

"Me, childish?" Jihoon scoffed. "You're just the same. At least I didn't decide to call off this wedding just because I got jealous," he backlashed.

They were in their heated game of staring before they were interrupted by police sirens coming from outside.

"Minghao," called Jihoon to the said male who was clearly panicking. "What's happening?"

"There has been a murder in the residence."

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