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"You seem to be handling this situation well," commented the brunette sarcastically as he found Seungcheol burying himself in Jihoon's fluffy blanket on Jihoon's bed.

"I do not appreciate your use of witty banter, mister," the older said as he peeked out of his blanket cave,( I repeat, made with Jihoon's blankets), while the latter was sitting down on the chair in the corner.

"I'm sorry," the younger replied, dragging out the last syllable. "I didn't mean to be so "heartless". It's not my fault I've been the way I am."

At that, Seungcheol's face fell.

"Hey," he called out. "Don't say that. You are not heartless. You're just terrible at expressing," he tried lifting the tense atmosphere as he joked.

"I was just kidding," the younger said. "You should've seen the look on your face," he laughs as the other was left confused.

"Well​, why don't we-" Jihoon tries to say before he was interrupted by the door opening.

"I'm sorry for interrupting, your highnesses," Minghao bows towards the two males on the bed. "But there is a visitor searching for Young Prince Jihoon downstairs," he informs.

"Who is it?" The said male asks.

"Someone by the name of Lee Chan," the butler says.

Hearing the name roll off Minghao's tongue, Jihoon immediately jumped out of bed and ran past through the door, the butler not even surprised by what just happened.

"Does this happen everytime?" The oldest asked while getting off the bed.

The butler nodded as he left the room.

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