Living Life In The USA (1)

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Living Life In The USA

PART 1 - re-written

A.N ok I already wrote the first part but a stubborn ass, decided it wasn't good enough! So I am re-writing! :P hope u like it! XD


Finally the school bell! I really hate it here, everyone makes me feel like crap and I don't know why?

I mean I'm a good student.

I'm not that ugly? Am I?

So why don't I have any friends?!

I sat outside of school waiting for my bus. After about an hour it finally arrived. I got on and sat at the back, pulling my hoodie over my head and listening to some music.

I was listening to "the sharpest lives" by my chemical romance.

After about 3 stops we got to mine, I jumped off and started walking the 30 minutes to my house. As soon as I walked in I was greeted with the usual, silence.

I just kept walking to my room until my mum screamed "REBECCA! GET DOWN HERE NOW!" she screamed. I ignored her and kept walking, if its important she can get me! I walked in my room and got changed into my PJs.

"REBECCA! Didn't I just say to GET.DOWN.STAIRS!" she screamed busting through the door. "Sorry, guess I didn't here you." I shrugged. She stormed over to me and pulled me down stairs. "Okay, okay. What do you want?" I said. My dad then walked in.

"Oh Rebecca, you're home! Fantastic" he said, okay now I was scared. They hate me! And he was being nice something was up.

"Well, we want a lot of things, one we want a normal daughter, who wears nice clothes and has friends. Two, we want to walk out of the house and not be embarrassed because of you. And three, we want out! Out of this house, out of this parent thingo, and out of your life!" my dad said, abnormally calm.

"What, what!?" I yelled I couldn't help it. I pulled my hand back and punched my dad right in the nose. "YOU ASS! I can't believe you! I knew you hated me but to get rid of me! I thought I meant something! Anything!" I screamed I walked over to my mum and just gave her a look of pure disgust, "Oh and dad, you might wanna look out for mum, she is having an affair with Tommy." I said and smirked at her. "GOOD BYE!" I yelled. I stormed upstairs and left my parents arguing.

After I packed, I walked into the room to see my mum alone and in tears, "bye mum, see you got your old life back. All ALONE!" I said bitterly and laughed while leaving her there and got in the cab I ordered.

Good-bye house!

A.N thnx vote, comment tell me wat you think of this version or if you like the other one! XD thnx bye bye

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