Dancing in My Head

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Hey guys. Im Soule :) I love writing, but ive never exactly published any of my works on a website only here or there on Facebook and Instagram and on my GifBoom. I'm really looking forward to getting my book out there to you guy :) I hope you all love it! School is still in session so my updates with probably be slow :/ im sorry!

Just to make this clear I am a Belieber. If you don't like Justin then keep your hate to yourself. Thanks. 




Corella is a girl who goes to High School. She only has two good friends, so many times she's alone.  Corella has been hurt many times and as many times as shes been beaten down she's come back much stronger than the previous time. Writting is her outlet and so is music. Sports have helped her with her insecurities and her confidence issues. All she wants is to feel loved and cared for, but in her town it's very hard to find what she wants. 

Follow Corella on her journey and find out what happens when she tries to turn her life around.

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