Everything was going okay so far. I had met Simon, who was very nice and funny. Lexi, had instantly attached herself to me and Josh explained that she is around four months old. The other roommate, JJ, had arrived in a storm of loudness, greeted me, then slammed his door.
Now, Josh and I are curled up on the couch with Lexi waiting for his other friends to show up.
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We had turned on a random show and Simon had shown up after a little bit to watch with us.
The sounds of the show are momentarily blocked out by knocking and Simon gets up to answer. Greetings are exchanged and I wait nervously for Josh's friends to appear.
"Hey calm down. They'll like you."
"How do you know?"
"They like me, so anything is possible."
I shove him a little bit and straighten as four people I don't know walk in. They all look at me curiously before switching their gazes to Josh.
"Guys, this is Vik... my boyfriend. Vik this is Cal, Sarah, Cal again, and Chip. His name is Josh too but we call him Chip. As for the Cals, blonde one we call Freezy."
The girl, Sarah, lets out a scream and rushes at us. She pulls me from Josh's lap into a big bear hug.
"You don't understand how happy I am right now. I called it! CAL! Twenty pounds now."
She releases me and spins back around, hand extended to the other Cal. He groans, fishes out his wallet, and tossed it to her.
"Really you guys?"
"What? You've been happy lately and we all betted on what it was making you happy. I voted for significant other, Cal for new porn source, Freezy for Lexi, and Chip for hook ups. Si and JJ stayed out of it."