more-than-a-skirt sent a photoset "five six you're a bag of dicks"
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Get out of my parent's house
"Vik, honey! It's been so long. Sit sit."
"Thank you, Mrs. Power."
"What brings you back here? Your parents said that you stayed back in London."
"Yes, I did. It's... I..."
I tear up a little bit and this is not way dramatics. I'm scared.
"Dear, deep breaths."
"Sorry, um. It's about Lachlan."
She sets her drink down and crosses her arms.
"I'll just show you."
I pull my phone out and open up the old conversations. Scrolling through so she can see everything. The more she reads, the more her face twists with disgust. I feel a pang in my stomach that maybe it's directed at me.
That quickly vanishes when she pulls me to her and hugs me. She releases me and wipes a few tears from her eyes.
"I'm- I'm honestly so sorry Vik. I'm appalled with my son right now."
The front door creaks open and we hear frantic footsteps.
Mrs. Power draws herself up.
"Thank you for bringing this to my attention, Vik. If you could screenshot those and send them to me, that would be great. You still have my number?"
I nod and she grasps my elbow, escorting me to the door. A stunned Lachlan is just taking off his shoes.
"I suggest you shut your mouth right now, Lachlan."
Mrs. Power kisses my cheek and sends me out the door. I practically run back to the car where Sarah and Cal are waiting. Their questions start tumbling as soon as I get the door open.