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"It's only two hours baby. Not that long of a flight. Take a nap."

"Take a picture of the window please."

"Go back to sleep baby girl."

Vik's lays his head back against the seat, tilting it back the small bit you can. I quickly take the picture he's wants and send it to him.


There you whiny baby

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There you whiny baby

You are so close to snoring

Really deep breaths but little exhales how are you alive

Freezy tried to draw on your face

I stopped him... kinda

You have a heart on ur cheek now

One hour down one to go

You're cuddling my arm like it's a stuffed animal

My arm don't bend like that

I don't know how, but your legs are on my lap and you head is on top of your legs?!

How are you comfortable?

The hostess doesn't like us

I asked for a soda and got water

None of us have gotten peanuts

I think I can complain to her bosses but eh she might just be having an off day


Seatbelt sign came on


Welcome to Venice baby girl

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