Chapter 23

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School Compound
2330 hours

Jimin lay down on one of the bench. He wondered why he was being rather punctual tonight. If he had come later, he might get a chance to make the demon wait for him.

"I don't even remember the real meeting time anymore," he sighed as his mind played back what had happened in Archery Class.

Flashback, this morning

"Will you be coming tonight?"

Hayi looked up to the angel and shrugged. He ruffled his hair, somehow annoyed.

"That's not the answer I wanted,"

"Then what do you want? A 'yes'?" She put down her Euthanasia and looked at him with her arms crossed. He shook his head.

"It doesn't have to be a 'yes'. It could be a 'no', but a shrug isn't an option obviously,"

"I'll go," she suddenly said when he began to walk off, stopping him mid-track. He turned to her and raised an eyebrow.

"Okay... We'll meet at the school compound then,"

"Why there? Shouldn't it be easier to wait at the main gate?"

"Fine, the main gate then,"

"But it's kinda far from my dorm..."

"What the... Then should I wait at your dorm's building?"

"Ew, no. The school compound it is," she snickered when he palmed his face in frustration.

"God... Okay, 11:30 at the school compound,"

"So early!"

"Say your time then!" He groaned.

"Hmm... Nevermind, 11:30 should be fine,"

"What the actual fuck..." He cursed as the girl burst into laughter.


That was miraculous enough. He had been in a situation where they were fighting over what formula should be used in one of their Earth Physics' quiz, and the fight went on for a whole 15 minutes.

"I guess the Greed stands for greed in winning," he mumbled with his eyes closed.

"The Greed stands for greed in everything, if I do say so," a voice chimed in. The boy opened his eyes and saw Hayi smirking. He sighed.

"Whatever, Greed," he got up and they walked out of the school into the woods. The girl was talkative as usual, but in not a really pleasing way for him surely. Whatever it was, he admitted she was kind of cute when she kept blabbering like that.

"So how many houses do you have then?"

"Hmm... Three maybe? Two of them are quite far from here, so we rarely go there, unless for vacations," she explained. He scoffed.

"You act like Seungjo,"

"What do you mean?"

"She's Proud, right? You've been talking about yourself for the past few minutes," he complaint. She laughed and shrugged.

"I'm not boasting, I'm stating the facts!"

"Okay, whatever you say. Actually, I'm curious about you and Jaehi," he said carefully, not wanting to let the demon got annoyed or anything. Thankfully she didn't as she began telling him a little bit about them.

"We're identical twins as you see. But somehow, our personalities are really different. Like, we're not the same at all,"

"But there must be something that you share though. Other than your similar looks," he gazed at her long black hair and face that are identical to Jaehi. She pursed her lips.

"Something similar huh? Oh yeah, we're pranksters. And troublemakers," she giggled while he chuckled.

"I can see that," he agreed, remembering the time the twins pranked him and V.

"Jaehi is not an easy-to-approach person. She always keep things to herself, and she has this aura that screams 'stay away for at least a metre from me or I'll kick your ass'. As for me... I'm a friendly person," she stated, making Jimin burst in laughter.

"What?" She pouted.

"What type of friendly? By sticking out your foot in someone's way and trip them?" He chuckled. She grinned.

"That's one of them. You guessed it right. Told you I'm a prankster, so I gotta live by that title," she then told him some of the harmless pranks she had done with her twin sister. The boy couldn't help but laughed his head off.

"Some of them sounds like something Jungkook, V and I will do to our hyungs," he admitted.

"Anyway, what's interesting in Rivergarde?" She turned to him and changed the topic. He widened his eyes when he suddenly asked him about his hometown.

"How did you know I'm from Rivergarde?"

"Well, I made a little background check on you after we became friends," she grinned. Jimin's laughter erupted at the word 'friends'.

"Friends? Really Hayi?" He wiped his tears, still laughing. She furrowed her eyebrows and nodded.

"Yeah, friends,"

"Why me?"

"Because you never go against what I said. I'm winning all the time," she stuck her tongue out at him.

"Who said I wanted to befriend you?" He made a face at her. She rolled her eyes and teased him.

"Oh come on, just admit it, you wanted a cool girl like me as your friend," she smiled smugly. He cringed at her statement, before the both of them laughed it off. Deep down in his heart, he admitted to what she said a little. A small smile crept up his lips.

"You know-"

"Shh!" He was silenced by the sudden alarmed demon. She was staring hard at a distance, so he looked at what she saw. His eyes narrowed a bit when he saw someone standing behind a tree.

"Who's that?" He whispered.

"I'm not sure. But he might be that kid who attacked Seungjo and J-Hope," she replied in a hushed tone. Looking at each other, they nodded, signing they should approach the figure carefully. The angel stepped back a few steps and opened his wings, ascending into the air. Hayi decided to sneak up behind the figure on foot.

She crept up behind the figure soundlessly, her hand grabbing Euthanasia tightly. From a closer distance, she found out that the figure was a girl from her braided hair. So it's another student, she thought, confused. The student didn't budge from her standing position, it was as if she was in a trance.

Guessing she wouldn't make any move, the demon stepped closer and closer, until she was in an arm-length with her. At that exact moment, she knew she had made a mistake. The student turned, now facing her, and dashed for her neck. Swiftly, the demon ducked and rolled to the side. Her eyes widened at the sight of a switchblade in the student's hand.

"Fuck..." She cursed, realising she was too near to her. She couldn't shot her with Euthanasia in such a small distance. Having no other choice, she had to avoid all of her attacks manually. Just like what Seungjo had told her, the student was too weird and powerful.

"Agh!" Hayi screamed when her thigh was slashed by the switchblade. She knelt down and winced in pain. Turning her head quickly, she saw the student was making her way to her, ready to take her life away.


A white arrow zoomed next to her and found its target. The leg of the student. The demon looked up and saw Jimin floating mid-air, his Ballista in his hand. Right when his feet touched the solid ground, the student had ran away, deep into the woods.

"What the... How can she still ran like that?!" He clenched his fists.

"She's not her. I know what Seungjo meant now," the demon said lowly, trying to fight the pain. He knelt down to her level and tried to stop the bleeding.

"I think I know what you're talking about," he said seriously.

"J-Hope told you about it, didn't he?" She replied, and he looked at her, nodding slowly. And a confused silence took place.

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