Chapter 33

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Park Family Vacation House

Jaehi's eyes fluttered open. She could see all her five friends and her sister surrounding her bed. Their eyes lit up when they saw her awake.

"Jaehi! You're awake!" Hyerin hugged her neck happily. She smiled weakly. The other girls were all smiley too.

"What happened? Why did you guys look relieved?" She asked in confusion.

"You don't remember?" Saejin's eyes widened.

"You were attacked and stabbed by drunk men. And you passed out because of blood loss," Hyerin told her. Seungjo nodded and continued.

"V carried you home and healed you with his power. But we still need to call a doctor later,"

"Oh... I remember now. I did have a memory of him kissing my forehead though," the younger twin murmured. The girls grinned teasingly.

"Love is in the air~" Haeyeon sang out and giggled. Seungjo and Saejin cooed at the unimpressed girl.

"Pft... It was just a dream," she retorted and crossed her arms. Hayi waved her finger and shook her head.

"Tsk tsk... Don't deny the reality lil sis," she grinned at her. Haneul nodded in agreement.

"Reality is good sometimes," she smiled. Haeyeon snapped her fingers and high-fived the small girl. Jaehi's lips curved a naughty smirk when she saw that. She fake coughed.

"Say the two who got special gifts from their beloved one,"

"SHHHH!" The both of them rushed over to cover her mouth. She laughed out loud at their flushed face. The other demons' jaws dropped.

"So this isn't a store bought necklace?" Saejin took Haneul's necklace in her hand.

"You mean Jungkook gave it to her?" Seungjo snapped her head towards Jaehi. She grinned.

"Specially made it for her,"

"And that headphone isn't hers?" Hayi pointed to Suga's headphone on Haeyeon's bed.

"Nope. And I bet there's a special song in it," Jaehi leaked the secret directly.

"Goddamn... Love is in the air indeed," Hyerin tapped her chin lightly and laughed at the flustered Haneul and Haeyeon.

"But I was alone with him!" Haeyeon messed her hair. Jaehi burst into laughter again.

"Phoenix is always watching you guys from the air space," she let out the truth. The others facepalmed.

"Better be careful next time, lovebirds," Hayi patted the two pairs of slumped shoulders and let out a laugh.

30 minutes later...

Hayi walked out of her mansion, wearing a white hoodie on top of her grey tank top and a pair of black jogging shorts. She tied her shoelaces and began her daily morning run. Usually she'll go with her twin, but since Jaehi was wounded, she went by herself.

The neighbourhood is a beautiful place. Apart from the beach, it has a lot of interesting stuffs and places. A park, rows of stores, even a shopping mall. She smiled to herself as she reminisced the moments when she lived here.

After running for almost two metres, she saw a boy around her age jogging not far from her. She narrowed her eyes when he stopped short to take a picture using his phone. Grinning widely, she jogged up to him and smacked his back.

"Yah! Who the heck... Hayi?!" Jimin rubbed his burning back, his eyes glaring at the laughing girl. She wiped her tears and made a peace sign to him.

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