Chapter 23 ( Another birthday to cheat.... )

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So my birthday is Friday . Yeahh I'm turning 24 and my boys want me to go out to the strip club with them. I'm not going to tell Athena signore sa che sarebbe capovolgere (lord knows she would flip) I'm going to have Derek go to his nonna house for the weekend. I'm not going to worried about it too much right now.

I had some business had to handle in Columbia as well, I haven't told her yet but eventually I will. Don't give me that hiding secrets from her talk because I'm not. I'll find my way to tell her in due time. I was in the middle of eating when I saw Athena come down looking gorgeous as ever.

"Hey cara how you feeling" I said while holding her

"I'm fine taking it day by day , you know your birthday is coming up" She said while sitting across from me

"Yeah I know ..24 so soon" I chuckled

"Aww don't think of it like that , just another year to be sexier for me" She kissed my neck

"Don't do that gone get something started !" I looked at her with a smirk

"Don't worry about all of that, I'm going out to go to work call you later?" She kissed me goodbye

I have work to do to , so I will catch up with you ladies later.


Athena POV

While I was working on some files when my boss called me into his office. I don't know why but I don't feel to comfortable around him I try to stay my distance.

"What seems to be the problem Dean ?" I sat down in front of his desk

"These files ! Why haven't you gotten to them ..." He said in a serious tone

"I'm sorry Dean I'm trying to figure out these files from last week is there anything I can-" He cut me off

"Yeah stay after work to get these done" He said

"But sir I have family plans with my fiancé tonight" I explained to him

"Not my problem unless you want to be jobless now your dismissed" He went back to his computer

I walked out of his office furious! I went into my office and called Jackson to tell him I wasn't going to be home early like I wanted to. I pulled out my phone and called.

Phone Convo**********

"Hey Baby , look I won't be home boss is being an ass so don't worry ok?" I told him

"What?! What do you mean your staying late?! No that's a problem" He said furiously

"Please J I don't won't you getting all worked up about it ok? I love you and I have to go" I clicked before I could hear him yell anymore

Later On*********

It was going on 9 and I decided it was time to go home. I packed all my things and as I was leaving my boss stopped me and it scared me.

"Shit! Dean what the hell?!" I screamed

"Didn't mean to scare yah but your leaving?" He asked stepping closer to me

"Umm yes ...why ?" I said while opening the glass door

"Just wondering if you were driving or maybe your boyfriend is picking you up" He said like he was trying to find something out

"Ummm I have to go ok?!" ..just as I was stepping my foot out he grabbed my wrist

"I'm a get something from you! I see the way you walk around here knowing I want you" He said

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