Author: @TONYANN
Genre: Short Story
First Impressions: is it just me or is this reminiscent of Half-Genie Hero? No? Okay. This is a novel idea, a mysterious Shantae (probs not spelling the name right) like character who kills people with rhythmic dancing? Yeah, I know it's weird. But this book has a sense of darkness that was a pleasure to indulge into, a sort of moth-to-a-flame idea. It was gritty, yet oddly sexual for this kind of book. Also, the cover should be changed.I feel that the cover speaks a little into the "oddly sexual" slice of pie, and in combination with the name, you get the idea. Still, I don't talk much about covers, so take what I just said with a salt mine of salt.
Rating: PASS
Well, I am a sucker for Shantae-like characters. Good story telling, and a creative plot makes for a good book. I nearly failed this book for the cover and sexual content, but it was solid enough to pass. Round 1 win for TONYANN, second review should be posted soon enough.
Lemon The Critic
RandomDoes this really need a blurb? Seriously? I think you get it that I'm doing a book critic service from the title. So yeah.