Chapter six: Gods and Devils

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Ryan clasped his hands together as he waited for Vinny's friend to come downstairs. He frowned at the man's black feathered wings. Ryan wasnoslty caught off guard by his eyes. They were blue but they seemed to be covered by a thin film making them slightly milky.

"Don't be alarmed. I can see perfectly fine as long as I don't have a vision. Come here little one." Angelo gave him a gentle smile. Ryan whimpered as he ran towards the angel. Angelo gently hugged him, rubbing Ryan's back as he started sobbing into his neck.

"What's wrong sweetie?"

"I-I-I wan-na go ho-ome." Ryan stuttered between hiccups.

"I know you do. Perfect breeds don't belong in hell or heaven or even on earth. I'm sorry to say but you no longer have a home. I saw you coming to me though. I know what to do." Angelo gently moved Ryan back. "You can become a Boogey. You have the power."

"No! I hate them." Ryan growled, images of Mike popping into his head. "He-He hurt me."

Angelo gently moved his hand to Ryan's lips, running his thumb over his lips. "You'll be okay."


"Then it's the gods' palace for you." Angelo whispered.

"He'll get hurt!" Vinny whined. "He's too cute!"

"You can't call him cute. You're too short." Angelo stated. "He's strong. He'll be able to do their bidding. I'll give him to... Ashley. She'll treat you right." Angelo chuckled.


"Yes. She may even teach you a thing or two about the world."

"She shoves my face into books and makes me read." Vinny huffed. "I don't need to read."

"Reading is important. Keeps you from being dumb."  Angelo stated as he tapped Vinny's forehead. "You can stay here for the night. Vinny and I will take you to the train that'll take you to her. You'll be safe with her. She knows how Mike is and when you're ready you can go back to him."

"Never." Ryan hissed.

"One day you'll understand why Boogies do what they do. You'll go back at your place by his side." Vinny muttered. "Boogies are dicks though."

"Vinny, we don't talk ill of this above us. Or... the ones who think they're above us." Angelo smirked. "Vinny, show Ryan upstairs. Help him shower."

Vinny nodded, gently grabbing Ryan's hand. He guided the taller man upstairs, biting his lip. "How old were you?"

"Six. I feel... different. Not just my size but..."

"Your mind is changed. It's what happens when breeds are made. You're created differently than most demons. You weren't ever human. Your soul just got mixed up in the process."

"I don't understand."

"When creatures are made," Vinny began, starting the shower, "they're given a choice on what they want. Every so often things get... mixed up. Since souls are so indecisive to begin with they tend to switch or show their true self towards the end. That's probably what you did. At the end you changed and they just ignored you." Vinny sighed. "Strip."

"Why did Mike take me?" Ryan asked as he slowly took his clothes off.

"To make you pure again. Fix your body so your soul didn't rip it apart from the inside. Your mother could see what you were. It's why she drank so much. To forget what she saw the day you were born." Vinny stated as he helped Ryan into the shower.

"What did she see?"

"The devil." 

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