Chapter five: Friend?

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Ryan was back in his room. The room Kuza gave him. He hated it. He hated everything. Ryan studied his hands, marks forming. He quickly looked up as the door opened. He was on the floor, under the window.

"You're... Ryan?"


"I'm Ricky. Chris said-said you might be hungy." Ricky murmured. Ryan frowned at him, shrugging. "I can't see very well. Please talk."

"I'm over here." Ricky walked to him, sitting the plate of food on the floor. "Thank you." Ricky nodded, sitting across from him.

"What do you want?"

"To be fwiends."

"Why do you talk like that?" Ryan frowned.

"I dun know. Daddy did it on asident."


"It's what call Chrissy! Cause he's me daddy and he wuvs me!"

"Okay. Don't tell." Ryan grumbled. "Hey, why don't we go outside?"

"Cans we?"

"Sure. They have a backyard right?"


"Let's go." Ryan stated as he stood up. He held his hand out to Ricky. "Where's Chris and Kuza?"


"Okay. We'll just go out for a little bit and play a game okay?"

"I like games!" Ricky cheered. He pulled Ryan outside, smiling. He was barefoot, the grass tickling his feet. Ryan looked around, biting his lip.

"Where are we?"

"Hell." Ricky stated, looking back at him with unblinking eyes.

"Ryan! Ricky!"

Both men jumped at the sudden voice. They looked back at the house Kuza and Chris standing in the doorway. Ryan took off running, easily scaling the fence with his new height. He whimpered as he landed on hot concrete. He had no shoes on. Ryan quickly ran down the sidewalk, passing by demons and fallen angels. He cried out as he tripped, falling face first into a shorter demon.

"Fuck." He demon grumbled, dropping several glass jars. "Fucking! Watch where you.... holy shit a breed." Ryan looked up at him, his eyes wide in horror. "Who made you?"

"Mike." He whispered.

"I see why you're running. Come with me."

Ryan let the man guide him away. He gripped his hand, scared. He was brought down an alley, pushed against a wall.

"Sh. Just go with it okay?" Ryan went to respond, his eyes wide as the man quickly kissed him. He whimpered, gripping his shirt. He wasn't sure what to do but soon relaxed. He panted softly as the man pulled back. "They passed. Let's go and find Angelo. He'll know what to do."

"Who's Angelo?"

"A friend. I promise I'm a friend too. I won't hurt you."

"O-Okay. What's your name?"

"Vinny." The short demon chirped.

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