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     "Link! Be careful" I shouted as we ran across the Great Plateau. We were just kids at the time, and Hylians seemed more reckless than us Zoras. Link, in his childlike wonder, tripped over a tree branch and hit his face on the ground. He pushed himself up. then began to cry, pebbles in his face, and blood streaming from his delicate,button-shaped nose.

"Don't cry, Linky. Here," I held his face in my hands and began the healing process. It won't take long." I said.

     Soon enough, the pebbles fell back to the ground, and his nose stopped bleeding-- his face looked normal. "All better, see?" Link stopped crying and looked up at me.

"Thanks, Mipha." he said, followed by a sniffle.

"Mipha, it is nearly sunset. We must return to the Domain." said my father, King Dorephan.

"Yes, father" I said. I grabbed my father's hand and walked down the path that led to Proxim Bridge.

I turned around to see Link sitting by the tree, waiting for his mother to come get him.

"Bye Linky!" I shouted back as I waved.

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