Chapter Eight: Novus

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Suddenly, I feel an urge. It is telling me to fire Vah Ruta now at Ganon. Should I do it? I stand up and climb Ruta's trunk to see Revali firing Vah Medoh at the castle, so I prepare to do so as well. "Ruta . . ." I say as I raise my arm up slowly. " . . . your time is now!" I shout as I feel Ruta shaking and firing the laser canon at the castle. 

     I see Naboris and Rudania fire their canons at the castle after I do. I feel a sudden relief or a burden that's been lifted off of me.  I slide down Ruta's trunk and sit in front of it. I close my eyes and imagine Link slaying Ganondorf once and for all. I imagine him and I running towards eachother and hug. Things can be like they used to, but in a new way. I feel a large rumble in the distance, so I climb Ruta's trunk again to see a bright light shine from Hyrule Castle, then fade away. The darkness around the castle is gone, and I feel a giant wave of joy overcome me.

"They did it!" I shout. I suddenly disappear, and I reappear in Hyrule Castle. I see Revali, Urbosa, and Daruk all looking at each other. Zelda stands in the center of the four of us, and raises her right arm. 

"Life is restored!" She exclaims happily as a bright light blinds me. I fall the ground. I awake to seeing Zelda and Link standing next to me, and smiling.  

"Look at yourself." Zelda says smiling. I sit up, and lift up my arms and look at them. "I'm . . .  alive again!" I dart off of the ground and hug Zelda very tightly. 

"I could never repay you!" I exclaim, with tears.

 "No, you won't. You continued to fight Ganon, even in a non- corporeal state. I thank you, Mipha- Champion of Zoras!" Zelda says as Urbosa, Daruk, and Revali all gather around me. I use my Sheikah Slate and transport to the shrine that remains within Zora's Domain. I walk up the stairs to the plaza, and everything is dead silent. Then, a tall Zora turns around and meets eyes with me. 

"Mipha?" he says. He runs over and hugs me tightly. 

"Oh, Sidon! You rember me!" I say, with emotion and relief in my voice. 

"Of course I remember you. You're considered one of the most revered in the Zora tribe, next to Princess Ruto. What you did was a brave and courageous act. Father even erected a statue of you."  

 "He did?" I ask, suprised. Then, my eyes light up. 

"Where's father?" I ask. 

Oh, follow me." Sidon says. I follow him up a flight of stairs and leads me to the throne room. 

"Mipha?" Father says. We talk and talk until I'm too tired to do so. I climb the vast stairs to my bedroom, and it has been left as it was one hundred years ago. Instead of sleeping, I sit on my bed, eagerly waiting for the sun to rise.

"Finally," I say, "my first sunrise in one hundred years."


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