Chapter Seven: Breaking The Barrier

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     Now that Link has freed Ruta and I, I can aid him by weakening the barrier around Hyrule castle. Vah Ruta's gears begin to turn, and shift as it walks toward the peak of the mountain where it once stood. Ruta lowers onto its knees, then opens a hidden laser cannon in it's head. Suddenly, energy gathers around the canon, then fires directly at the barrier, weakening it.

 "I do hope Link tells father my . . . current state." I say softly to myself. "Whatever you need, and whenever you need it, I will always be by yourself to aid you in the big fight." I say. 

     I really need to quit talking to myself like this. I say in my head.  But , then again, I have nobody TO talk to. I remark, in my head. I sit town on Ruta's head and watch as the laser canon hits the barrier, and the golden, lustered sun rises behind it. The golden of it is how I always imagined the Triforce. One day, I will be in the Eternal Gardens with HyliaI say to myself. When? I don't know. I stare at the rising sun, almost in a trance. Vah Ruta's ancient exterior glimmering in the light with tiny water droplets scattered on it. I hope you are listening though, Hylia. I whisper. 

Please protect us in our great battle. I pray.

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