Chapter Six: Regaining Vah Ruta

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(Video by Family Games on YouTube. The footage belongs to Nintendo. Please watch only until 2:11)

     I am awakened within Vah Ruta to feel a rumbling. It is moving, but I'm not doing it. Whom is it? I am unable to appear visible, because my soul is still bound to Vah Ruta, that Waterblight Ganon has control over now. Vah Ruta is emerging out of the water, and now I see Hyrule. It is very different since I last saw the land. It doesn't seem overrun with evil, it seems quiet, calm. I look to the left to see a hooded figure stand in front of us. Just before the figure boards, Vah Ruta's self defense mechanism triggers and a force field goes up around Vah Ruta. After a few minutes, the figure shut down the force field and boards. Then, they turn on the console. 

'Do they have a Sheikah Slate?' I wonder. 

     The figure activates the control panels throughout Vah Ruta, then goes to the main one. I hear a loud screech within Ruta, and appears in front of the figure, Waterblight Ganon. The figure lowers his hood, Link.  Link pulls out his ice arrows and begins shooting at Ganon's eye while jumping across the pillars and dodging blocks of ice. Link jumps off a block of ice he used with Cryonsis and fires his last arrow into Ganon's eye. It seems almost as if all time stopped while he fired the last arrow. Ganon writhes in pain, then disappears, leaving Vah Ruta.

 "Hello, Link," I say. He turns around, shocked. He searches for the source of my voice,"because of your courage, my spirit is now free. And Ruta, as well." Link turns and looks at me.

."Thank you," he looks shocked, "for I am now allowed by this freedom . . . to be with you once again." We glance at each other's eyes for a long while.

"Since I am now a spirit, my healing power would be wasted on me," I walk closer to him, slowly, "I have no need of it

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"Since I am now a spirit, my healing power would be wasted on me," I walk closer to him, slowly, "I have no need of it." I glance at him from across the room. 

"So therefore . . . I would like you to have it." Link's eyes widen. "Please accept . . . Mipha's Grace." A  white orb appears from within me, and shoots towards Link. He begins to glow. 

"Yesterday, I was awash in a pool of tears." He begins to levitate off the floor. " I had nearly given up hope and resigned myself to being trapped here, as a spirit, for the rest of eternity." Link looks at his hands surprisingly. 

"But now you're here. All this time, my hope was to see you one more." He looks at me with great sadness in his eyes.

"Please promise me you will not hesitate to call upon my power if you ever find yourself in need."  He smiles and nods.

"Knowing that will let my spirit rest in peace." Link begins to glow once again, brighter and brighter.

 "I must go." Link levitates higher. 

"Ruta and I have our roles to fulfill. We are both honored to be able to play the role of support." He smiles once again. 

"We'll annihilate Ganon together." I hold my hands to my heart. "Farewell." He begins to fade away. "

Save her Link, save the princess . . . save Princess Zelda!" Link glows brighter, then disappears into a tiny golden speck that floats out of Vah Ruta. 

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