Chapter One: Champion Of Zoras

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"C'mon Mipha! Put your back into it" Yells my instructor. My weapon, the Lightscale Trident, is the most powerful weapon in the Zora kingdom.

"HYAAGHH!" I yell as I impale the training dummy.

"Very good, Mipha." He says, looking at me. I yank my trident out of the dummy and walk off. Just before I leave the training room, my instructor beckons me.

"Tomorrow you will be fighting against a wizzrobe that I will conjure. An electrical one, no less" He says, followed by a dirty smirk.

     I sigh and walk out. I walk up the stairs to my room. I put my trident back in its holder, then sit on my water bed. I look out the side of my room and stare off into the waterfalls of Mikau Lake.

     I stand up and stare down the staircase that leads into the domain. Its crystal structures glistening in the sunlight and the clear waters that run through it gives a sort of melancholy feel from the past. I sit back down on my bed and fall back on it. After a while, hear a knock at my door. It's one of the guards.

"Your highness, Princess Zelda has arrived." I gasp and sit up. I stand up quickly and dash down the stairs and into the throne room.

"Princess, it is an honor to see you once again." I say, followed by bending my head down, in acknowledgement.

"Zelda, please." She murmurs. "Lady Mipha, I have chosen you as the Champion for Divine Beast Vah Ruta." Zelda says. My father interjects,

"I wish not to send my daughter into battle with the Divine Beast" he says. Suddenly, a royal guard runs in, panting.

"Y-your majesty, there are hordes of monsters approaching the Domain from Polymus Mountain!" He states.

'Monsters!?' I think to myself. My father stands up and looks at me.

"King, Prince Sidon is lost! He ran towards the hordes when he saw them approaching." I gasp.

"Father, we must go after Sidon!" I shout. He nods in agreement. Princess Zelda speaks.

"King Dorphean, me and my soldiers will aid you in the fight for the Domain." She says with determination in their voice. She turns to one of the captains and orders him to send the troops to the mountain. I glance behind her and see another soldier approaching her from behind. He seems familiar, and then it hits me hard-- it's Link. I almost gasp from shock, then I come back to reality. I follow the troops up the mountains and ready myself. I need to find my little brother!

"Troops, attack!" Shouts a captain. The men rush the hordes of Lizalfos and Moblins with fury. I attack beasts and run past many in a hurry to find my brother. As I run, a soldier stops me and says that Sidon was spotted at the top. With my power, I begin to speed to the top, actively searching for the little Zora. At the top, I spot the small boy.

"Sidon!" I shout with relief in my voice. Suddenly, almost out of nowhere, a Lynel charges towards him.

"No!" I yell. I conjure a great wall of water and trap the mighty beast before it can reach the little prince. With great strength, I hurl the water down the mountain, taking the beast with it, then I fall on my knees. Sidon runs over and hugs me tight.

"Sidon, you can't take on beasts by yourself! You're just a little boy." He looks down and nods, then looks back up and grins greatly at me. We return to the domain after mowing down the remaining hordes with Vah Ruta, and my father declares me the pilot of the Divine Beast. After saying my goodbyes, I follow the troops out of the domain and to the desert where the Gerudo remain.

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