Chapter Five: The Fall Of Hyrule

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     My power to heal is useless now, since I'm dead. I fall on my knees and sob into my hands. Everything I have known has been taken away from me-- my family, the hope of Hyrule, Link. All gone.

"They're all gone. All of them."

     I raise my head and look in front of me. A faint, green, mist floats a few feet in front of me. Then a person appears in an ethereal form.

"Mipha, heed my words." It says. It's Princess Zelda. I look at her, attentively. "A new plan is in motion and your part is not over yet. For the next one hundred years, I will seal Calamity Ganon inside of Hyrule Castle. I am alive, and Link is alive too. He is resting in an ancient Sheikah chamber within the Great Plateau and will remain there for the next one hundred years until he is fully recovered."My heart sinks. I am more than thrilled to know that Link is okay, but one hundred years until we can defeat Ganon once and for all? Zelda's ghostly form disappears, and I get to work to figure out how to aid Link when he returns.            

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