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the aroma of freshly served brew coffee beans came to my senses as i entered the cafe. i couldn't stand it.
sure, the place perceived itself as aesthetically pleasing but it didn't stop the fact i despised coffee as well as its scent.
i always had a bad memory with coffee, distinctly remember always wanting to try, begging my parents to let me have just one sip. "you won't like it." they said, yet i still insisted.
the minute the liquid touched my lips, i knew it'd leave a bad taste in my mouth; it felt intoxicating to me and i've disliked it ever since.
my best friend knows she's my weakness so when she told me to meet her here, i wasn't too thrilled but she knew i could never say no to her.
i wanted to stay secluded as much as possible. i saw the opportunity when i found an empty corner booth open. as i was about to claim it, i stopped short at the sight of a barista.
i've only been here a very few handful of times but out of all the times i've come here, i've never seen this boy before.
"hi, i'm jooheon. how can i help you?"
i was too busy mesmerized by the boy's face that i took me a second or two to realize he was talking to me, "oh. um.."
"would you like me to reccommend you a drink?" he asked. i nodded in which he said, "my favorite is the iced americano." with a smile that revealed his deep dimples.
"okay, i'll take that then."
"do you want a small?"
"yes, please."
"soo young."
"pretty." i caught him saying underneath his breath.
"your name, i mean. um..excuse me." he quickly grabs a cup and turns around to do my drink.
i wait and look around the place as he does my order. i scan the menu and look at all the types of coffees, pasteries and sandwiches they have to offer.
"here you go." he said as he handed me my drink.
"thank you. keep the change."
"thanks." he responded.
i went to the corner booth i had originally targeted to go. i sat and look at my drink, twirling the cup around when i glanced at the handwriting. my name had been written with a little smiley face next to it.
i looked over towards the counter and realized this spot was the perfect view of the barista. i was too distracted staring at him, i didn't even notice min ji was with him. he was taking her order and before i knew it, she slid right into the opposite side of the booth with a drink in her hand.
min ji greeted me, "hey."
she pointed at my untouched drink, "you got coffee?"
"oh...yeah..i did."
"what is it?"
"iced americano."
"how's it taste?"
i took a sip, "bleugh.".
"why did you get it?" she laughed out.
"i only got it because the barista was cute."
"oh, he took my order. he's cute, i approve." she watched as i ignored her due to my disraction of the fixation i had on him, "go talk to him!" she encouraged, making me snap out of it.
"are you insane!?" i whisper yelled to her.
"okay, he can't hear you."
i look at the drink in front of me and groan, "i don't want him to see me throw it out. do you want it?"
"sorry, i don't really like iced americano."
"you love every single coffee here."
"except iced americano."
"of course the one thing.." i drifted off. i grabbed onto her drink and began to twirl it around to find the handwriting.
"what are you doing?" she asked.
"he didn't put a smiley face next to yours." i said to myself but loud enough that min ji heard.
i turned the writing on my drink towards her, "he put a smiley face next to my name."
"aw, i bet that's because he likes you. you should go talk to him!" she repeated.
"why did you wanna meet?" i asked to change the subject.
she shrugged, "i just wanted go hangout was all."
"seriously? we could've hung out anywhere else."
"you need new scenery." i gave her an agonizing look before she said, "want to go?"
"yeah." i immediately responded back with.
we both get up simultaneously and i tried my hardest to hide the fact i barely drank my coffee. as we were leaving, i struggled to make sure jooheon was occupied before i threw away the wasted coffee in the trash.