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"soo young! .....soo young!"
i could hear jooheon's footsteps as he came up the stairs. he jumped onto the bed, "soo young, wake up." he whined. i groaned and he shook my body back and fourth, "wake up, my soo young!!" he took the blanket off and replaced it with himself.
"okay! okay!! i'm up!" i sat up while jooheon sat himself at the end of the bed, "you know when i agreed to move in, i wasn't expecting these kind of good morning calls. i haven't officially moved in yet, i could still back out." he smiled so big to the point where it became cheesy.
"oh, stop it. come here." i grabbed his chin and leaned over as i gave him a kiss, "good morning."
"morning." he replied, "i made breakfast, hurry up before it gets cold."
he ran off and went downstairs, "come on!" he yelled.
i got out from the bed and made my way downtairs and was shocked to see jooheon's friends and min ji in the kitchen when i arrived.
"uhh.." was all i could let out.
"soo young." jooheon smiled, "happy anniversary."
jooheon's friends and min ji had their hands behind their backs, they revealed them, turning the blank page to letters spelling out 'i love you'.
jooheon walk over to me and knelt on one knee. i felt like my legs grow weak, jooheon must've sensed my body language because he held onto my hand tight, "don't freak out, i'm not proposing." he whispered.
he let go of my hand and i stood calm and still, "you and i have been together for a year now and it feels like just yesterday you walked into that coffee shop. back then we were so shy and innocent. since then, everything with you..i couldn't ask for more. i feel like this honeymoon phase will never end. now, although i'm not proposing, this is my promise to you. i promise to protect you, to make sure you always feel safe. i promise to always take care of you and be there when you need me no matter how little or big. i promise to love you forever but in return, accept this and be mine."
he opened up a box and there was the most gorgeous ring i've ever seen, "min ji helped me pick it out. she knows your taste in jewelry better than i do." i looked over to her and she smiled big and waved out me. i couldn't help but laugh.
i felt tears well up in my eyes, "you know i'm already yours. i was always yours." i said.
as jooheon put the ring on me, he sniffled up and he patted his eyes. he put the ring on my wedding finger on its right side, "i'm putting it on this side because when we get married..you can switch it over." he said nonchalantly.
my heart dropped when i heard him say that to me. i held my hand onto my chest as he picked himself up. i embraced him in the biggest hug i could possibly ever give him. the boys along with min ji started cheering, clapping and screaming obnoxiously but jooheon and i were in our own little world, we didn't care.
we kissed and all of a suddenly confetti fell on jooheon and i. jooheon turned our bodies over to our friends and min ji had thrown confetti on us.
"WHOOO!!" she cheered.
following in min ji's footsteps, the boys yelled, "WHOOO!!!"
jooheon raised one arm, fisting pumping it up in the arm and the other arm remained glued around me, "WHOO!" he cheered with them.
"let's eat!" one of jooheon's friends said. they all gathered to the table and began to grab some food while jooheon and i remained in place.
he rocked our body back and forth, "i love you."
"i love you." jooheon sat down, picked up his cup of coffee and began to take a sip, "i still hate coffee." i implied.
"i know."
"but i do love you."
his dimples revealed, "i know."
"i have something else in mind.." i suggested, "let's go get some tea."