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the next day, i go back to the coffee shop. this time, i decide to bring a book and some headphones with me just incase jooheon wasn't there.
i was lucky enough to see him every time i've gone but i can't get lucky all the time.
i walk in and go straight to my usual before i search for the boy. i peered my head around and hadn't noticed him around so i decided to dive into my book and drown my surroundings with my headphones for awhile.
a good fifteen minutes pass when my stomach began to growl. i thought to myself that maybe i should get a sandwich and water when all of a sudden, someone popped in front of me, waving their hand around to grab my attention. i took my headphones out, "hey." they said. it was jooheon, "don't worry, i'm on break." that made me laugh which made him smile, "i saw you were sitting alone so i thought you might want some company." he says, sliding into the booth across from me.
"i could use the company."
he looked at his hands. he watched himself play with his fingers, "you know..i don't normally do stuff like that." he says to me, still looking at his fidgeting fingers.
"do what?" i asked him.
"i'm actually really shy." he chuckled to himself, " i couldn't believe the lengths i went to yesterday just to talk to you for a couple minutes."
"i'm sorry you got in trouble."
"it was worth it." he pushed his specs up and started to scratch the back of his neck, "did you need me to get you anything? i know i'm on break but i can whip up something for you if you want?"
"no, it's okay. you really don't have to."
"you sure?"
"yeah, i'm fine. thank you, though."
"anytime." he began to tap his fingers on the table. he leaned in his head to glance at the book i had, "what's that?"
"oh, it's a poetry book."
"you like poetry?"
i nod, "yeah."
he leaned an inch of two more and squinted his eyes, "milk and honey?"
"if i didn't know any better, i would've thought you were reading a book about bees." we both bust out into laughter and then he says, "what's it about?" i open my mouth to begin to answer his question when he follows up with another question, "is it about love?"
"yeah, well, some of it is."
he nods, "ohhh. good to know." his eyes remained on me along with a smile and i couldn't help but blush at.
he looked over at the clock, clicked is tounge and let out a sigh, "my break is over." he got up, "i guess i'll see you around?"
"yeah, you will."
he walked back to the back of the counter and began to take orders and i thought to stay for for about ten more minutes. i put my headphones back in and opened up my book and continued to read.
a few minutes pass and i sneakily lifted my eyes up. jooheon was still at the register. no one was in line, though and he was looking down underneath the table. i could so tell he was on his phone.
i watched as he looked around, assuming he was seeing if his boss was around. he put his phone back in his pocket and then started to make a drink. he grabbed a coffee sleeve and a marker and started to write something on it.
after he was done, he slipped the sleeve over he coffee and then headed over my way. i quickly looked back into my book and pretended as if i had no idea he was coming even though i could notice him in my peripheral vision. he quickly set the drink next to me then ran back to the register.
i waited a couple of seconds before i acted surprised that there was a coffee next to me. iced americano. i looked over at jooheon and he was already looking at me. he twirled his finger and mouthed "flip it over." to me. i flipped it over where i was actually shocked this time to see that there was something written on the sleeve.
"you've touched me without even touching me. 64." he wrote.
i look up at him and i see him smile and pointing. "the book" he mouthed. i look next to my drink and stare at my book.
i open up to page 64 and there was the poem. it was one of my favorites and i knew he didn't know that but it made me happy to believe he did.