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this time, i leave with the coffee only for the sole purpose to wanting to show min ji.
i told her i had some news to tell her so when i knocked on the door, i wasn't surprised that not even a second passed before she swung the door open with a bright smile on her face, "hi!" she said with giddy.
"hey." i said, smiling back. i couldn't contain my excitement. i rushed right in and she closed the door behind us. as we sat down on the couch, she didn't hesitate to asked, "so what's this news?" i lifted up the coffee and displayed it to her, "coffee?" she asked.
"coffee." i confirmed, "from jooheon." i flipped the drink over so she could read what he wrote.
"what the-"
"it's one of the love poems from my book. he sat down with me and we talked for a little and he was asking about my book and if it was about love and then he googled the book and wrote one of the poems down and gave it to me."
"AWWW, that's cute!"
"i know!!"
"he seems like such a sweet boy."
i nodded in response, my eyes didn't stay on her but instead the writing on my cup. "his handwriting is so cute." i said in a daze.
"you should make a move next?"
"what would i do, though?"
she shrugs, "i don't know, maybe you leave him a note? something to show him that you're interested in him, too. that way he knows."
i didn't go back until almost two weeks later. my head needed a break from the smell of coffee bean grindings.
as soon as i walk in, i could smell the strong scent of caffeine, making my head throb. i go to head towards my usual spot when i heard my name being called. i whip my head over and see jooheon at the register, "iced americano?" he asked
i nod with a smile. how could i say no? i sit down and rummage into my purse to find my little notepad and pen. i rip out a piece and tap on the table, thinking of what i could write to him.
"here." i hear jooheon whisper under his breath as he slids the drink across to me.
he lingers around me a bit twirling his body around, pretending to look around. he makes eye contact with me a handful of times and when he does he smiles so big to his dimples become so visible and deep. it makes me smile too and he hides his face to not show his blushing. he finally walked away when someone was gettig his attention to order on the other side of the cafe, he was almost skipping.
not even ten minutes passed and drink hadn't been touched. the condensation from on was starting to residew onto the table. i grabbed a napkin and wipped off all the water surrounding it.
i had already written a note to give to jooheon and i thought of a few scenarios on ways i could give it to him but i finally decided what i was going to do. i left the note underneath the money for the drink in the middle of the table.
as i was leaving, i called out jooheon's name and his head instantly whipped to my direction. i hid my coffee behind my purse so he wouldn't see i hadn't drank it. he nodded his head as a response and i let him know, "i'm all set. i left the money on the table for you."
"okay! have a good day."
"you, too."
as he passes me to go to the table, i quickly throw out my drink and watched as he noticed the note as he collected the money and read it.
you look really cute in your barista attire ♡ - soo young
i stayed by the enterance and watched as he read it. he looked up at me, turned to my direction and smiled, revealing those irresistible dimples. i smiled back, waved and out the door i went.
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