Getting Back on our Feet

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"Yep, that's him", Alex thought. Everyday, there's a pair of black converse that passes by him. Thomas. Ever since the first day of Elementary, they despised each other, always competing for the top. And it's in the middle of college... and nothing has changed.

Thomas Jefferson was tall... well everyone compared to Alex was tall. Thomas had curly jet black hair, a lean figure, with strong arms. Thomas had a quick mind, always ready to spit insults at Alex. But Alex was quick-minded too. Both were so similar in personality that they contradicted each other, to the point of hatred.

As Alex heads over to his Law Class, which unsurprisingly, where Thomas was headed, John Laurens, Alex's best friend, spots him.

After John catches up to Alex he says, "Hey, don't let Thomas get the best of you today ok? Remember you still have that debate tomorrow."

"Yeah, yeah I know, don't worry. See you later John." Alex says as he shrugs off John.

"See you later man."

Alex turns the corner of the long hallway and enters his favorite class with his favorite teacher. Law with Mr.Washington. He sits in his seat, which is in the center of the room, and gets his 15 page essay ready. The previous homework assignment was to write a, at minimum, 8 page essay about the Constitution, and what they would do to change it. People always wondered why he writes like he's running out of time.

*Bell Rings*

"Alright class. Please take out your essay that I assigned over the weekend. Yes Mr.Lee, there was an essay for homework. Ahh, Mr.Hamilton. How many pages did you write this time?" asks Washington curiously. Washington knew there was no limit to Alexander.

Thomas rolled his eyes. He sat right next to Alex. Its not like he wanted to, Mr.Washington sat him there to see if Alex and him could get along. And he hated it. He never gets credit for his effort, unlike "Mr.Hamilton", who everyone knows is the teachers pet.

"15 pages sir." Says Alex smugly, looking over to Thomas. "How many did you write... hmm?"

"I wrote 15 pages as well Mr.Hamilton." smirks Thomas, as he puts emphasis on Mr.Hamilton. Alex can't tease him this time. Alex mutters something to himself and looks away, already plotting his next insult.

~Time skip to when class ends~

"Don't forget, tomorrow we have our debate. Don't forget to take notes. And study!" Mr.Washington says as Alex completely shuts out the teacher while packing to go to L.A.

"Hear that Hamilton? He's talking about the debate. You know? The one where i'm going to beat you at?" Thomas says smugly, with over-confidence.

Alex chuckles with amusement, " Yeah you wish. Keep dreaming farmer."

Thomas scoffs and rolls his eyes as Alex struts out of the Law class.
"I'm going to show that Virginian what a real debate is." Alex thinks to himself. Then he realizes, that if Thomas did manage to beat Alex, he was never going to hear the end of it. Alex shook away the thought.

The debate will soon be the least of his worries...

BAHA! That's the first fan fiction i've ever written and i was kinda expecting me to back out of it.
This is mainly for my enjoyment, i honestly think it sucks, but either way i hope you enjoyed:)

(548 words)

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