Chapter Nine

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Louis pulled me into his arms, and i entwined my fingers with his. I noticed that Harry and elle were in a similar position. Zayn had his arm slung over Katie's shoulders. Jem was sitting on Niall and Lauren was on Liam.

'You look amazing, Hannah. All the girls do. You should be a stylist.' Louis' lips brushed my ear.

'That's what I said!,' Elle's tone was frustrated, 'But she never listens to me!'

'I wouldn't listen to you either,' Harry teased, earning him a slap on the arm off Elle. Everyone laughed as he started grumbling under his breath. 

Liam tapped Lauren’s leg twice, indicating that she needed to get up. He jumped up after her and wrapped his arm around her waist. 

'Come on guys. Let's go get some drinks.' 

We all trundled after Liam, coming across a black Limo. We all got in and Lauren started bouncing around in excitement.

'oh my god, I have never been in a limo before, this is exciting!' I rolled my eyes at her but was also secretly thrilled. I leant into Louis and asked Liam where we were going.

'Urm, well I've always wanted to go to Hard Rock Cafe in London and according to navigation, we are only twenty minutes away.'

'But Liam!! You said we could go to Nando's!'

'Niall, I said maybe. Anyway, we went to Nando's the day before yesterday and there is only so much Peri Peri sauce I can take! Sorry Nialler, we're not going.'

'Ugh. Fine. You're so mean Liam,' Niall put on an angry, pouty face. Everyone laughed except Jem. Jem pursed her lips and ran her fingers over his face, smoothing out his annoyance and upset. She ran her fingers over his lips last and finally he smiled at her and pulled her into his arms, kissing her forehead. I made an 'aw' face at Louis, who just grinned back. I then turned to the boys.

'Truth or Dare?' Liam pulled a face, but everyone else agreed, nodding frantically.

'Ok, I'll start. Liam - truth or Dare?'

'I'm probably going to regret this, but dare.'

I looked around. The limo had stopped and I realised we were in after - concert traffic. I then noticed the sun roof. 

'Ok. Your dare is... You have to take off your shirt and stand with your upper body out of the sun roof and sing to everyone.' Everyone snickered as Liam glared at me, but he complied, unbuttoning his shirt. Lauren cheered beside him and grinned cheekily when he looked at her. She reached forward, pulling the last button open, patted his chest and the went, 'Off you go, Liam.' He playfully glared at her before leaning out of the sun roof, naked chest to all the fans in their cars. He shrugged the shirt off his shoulders and threw it at Lauren.

Upon seeing him pop out of the sun roof, girls started screaming and honking their car horns. Liam sang a verse and chorus of 'Up All Night' before sinking back into the limo. He grabbed his shirt and pulled it back on.

'Ok. My turn. Lauren Truth or Dare?' Liam asked.

'Truth,' Lauren smiled back sweetly.

'Who was your first kiss?' 

Lauren groaned and all the girls started laughing.

'Urmm.. it was this boy named Jack. He turned out to be a bit of a silly billy though.' She grimaced. Everyone laughed.

'Elle, truth or dare?' Lauren changed the subject quickly. 


'I dare you to make out with Harry for a minute.'

'What?! No!'

'Elle, don't pretend you don't want to. We all know I'm irresistable,' Harry smirked at Elle. She narrowed her eyes at him before leaning in and kissing him. Immediately Harry put his hands on Elle's waist and kissed her back. See, I knew they liked each other! A couple of minutes passed and it wasn't until Zayn cleared his throat, letting out a chuckle, that Harry and Elle pulled away from each other, looking a bit dishevelled. 

By this time, the limo had pushed through the traffic and was at Hard Rock Cafe. Suprisingly, the queue was non-existent and we got directed straight to a table in the basement floor. There, we were served by an American waitor named Ali, who wore his hat back to fron and wore multiple studded belts around his hips. He shamelessly flirted with me, even when he saw Louis' arm wrapped around my shoulders. I saw looks of anger pass over Lou's face every time Ali came over. I squeezed his hand in mine as I saw him glaring at Ali. When I did, he glanced down, smiling at me ruefully. I saw Ali coming over, so I lifted my lips to Louis'. Ali stopped in his tracks and I felt Louis grin into the kiss. I pulled away and snuggled into Lou's shoulder, feeding him mini carrots and chips. Ali glared at Louis then walked away again. He had gotten a couple of paces when Louis called him back.

'Hey, can we have the cheque please? I want to go to the London Eye and take my beautiful girlfriend on it, before going to the aquarium.'

Ali gritted his teeth and walked away.  He came back and threw the cheque on the table and walked away. Louis paid with his card and we left. 

As Lou mentioned, we then went to the London eye and aquarium, whilst the others went shopping. I had never been on the London Eye before - the line has always been so long. But now, we just breezed to the front and into our own personal pod. I was so glad the huge wheel moved so slowly because I never wanted the moment to end.

We then went to the aquarium. I was captivated by the brightly coloured fish. I was studying marine biology at university, so I frequented the aquarium a lot, but no matter how many times I saw the fish, I still saw their beauty and I was always enthralled by something new. 

Eventually, we made our way to the gift shop and Lou bought me a cuddly shark toy. I kissed him as thanks. The kiss deepened, until we got thrown out for PDA.

God, I love this boy.. <3

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