Chapter Thirteen

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The lift was fast and it reached the lobby in no time. I saw a light come up, showing that someone on the penthouse floor had pressed the button. That just made me run faster. 

I ran out of the building complex and onto the busy London pavement. I darted around people and made it to a park, where there were many taxis just sitting around. I jumped in one and when the driver asked where I wanted to go, I just whispered 'anywhere,' before clearing my throat and telling him Elle's address. The driver didn't try talk to me, just shut the division and drove. I was grateful he wasn't asking questions and poking his nose into my business. 

Louis kept trying to phone me, but I hung up every time. My phone buzzed constantly from text messages from all the boys and my girls. I didn't want to talk to any of them. Then my phone went off with a notification from Twitter. I checked it and saw it was a mention off Louis. I nearly ignored it, but something compelled me to look. I opened it and saw a mention that had been favourited 50+ times and retweeted 50+ times too;

I love @SmithyHannah more than I can say, please come back to me love </3

That's when I saw all the trends. There were so many, and each one just made me cry even more;





 I decided to reply to Louis' tweet;

@LouisTomlinson I love you too, but It hurt enough to lose you the first time. Just give me the rest of today for myself.

He instantly replied;

@SmithyHannah If that' what you want, I'll stay away...

@SmithyHannah Elle says she'll meet you there, wherever 'there' is.

I smiled a little to myself, realising I was 'there.' I paid the taxi driver and thanked him. I pulled my keys out and let myself in. 

'Is that you, Elle, baby?'

'Nah, Mum. It's me, Hannah.' Mrs Jamieson appeared from the kitchen, obviously hearing how thick my voice was.

'Oh honey, what's wrong?'

'Well, you know Louis?' Samantha nodded, 'Well, he has to leave the day after tomorrow and I've already had him ripped away from me once, I can't survive through it again.' A fresh wave of tears assaulted my eyes. 

'Oh, Sweetheart, Louis loves you but you know he loves his career, It's always been is dream. You understand that. He wouldn't leave you if he didnt have to, but unfortunately he has to. Just think about it - I'm fighting for my life, Louis is fighting for a life with you, having the job he does ensures that when he comes back to you, he can provide for you and give you everything you need. You should talk to him, baby girl, he probably feels awful.'

Elle strode in just after her mum had spoen her last words. 'He bloody well does! You just threw his phone at him and walked out! I know you're upset - I'm upset too! I'm losing Harry for a year! But just think - Simon said they cant take anyone with them, we can probably still visit them and stuff, hun. You wont lose him, I promise. Now, You really need to talk to him, because he is tearing himself up. Plus, I want to see Harry and spend some time with him before he leaves. Talk to Lou, he deserves that much, even if you find you can't be with him'

Just imagining not being with Lou had more sobs erupting from my throat. 

'Right. You need him. I'm telling him you're here and I'm not letting you leave. You have to talk to him. I know how you're feeling sweetpea.'

I nodded, sniffing, tears still streaming from my eyes. Elle was crying by now too and she texted Louis. 

I have to do this. I CAN do this. Even if it rips my heart out in the process.

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