imagine #1

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We kept running. Running, and never looked back. What we had at the prison? Forget it, its all gone. Im currently with Carl and Rick trying to find the others in our group. I've been with them since a little while before camp was set up at the prison. Carl found me, we've been inseparable since then.

Rick, Carl and I are still walking currently scrounging for food and a place to set up camp for the night.

"Dad look." i look over to see carl with the expression of relief spread across his face. I turn my vision to what hes staring at. A medium sized white house.

"Alright guys lets clear out all of the floors and look for things we need". We did as we were told. Me and Carl took the first floor while Rick cleared out the upstairs. With no walkers found we decided to set up our sleeping spots and get some rest.

Rick took the couch while me and carl took the bed in the other room. We got situated and layed down. I heard Carl heave a long sigh.

"Something wrong?" He shook his head. "I-its nothing really". I raised an eyebrow. "You're lying grimes, i can tell when somethings up"

"Its just t-that well- nvm". I firmly said "no. Tell me now." He sighed "Well the thing is...i really like you. I've liked you since i found you awhile back and i couldn't find the guts to tell you"

"R-really you like me" i questioned. "Uh y-ye-" i cut him off by smashing my lips to his. "I like you too Carl"

He just smiled. He leaned closer and just like that the butterflies came and we had our lips fit perfectly together. Just like pieces to a puzzle. We pulled away after what felt like hours

"I love you y/n" He said and pecked me on the forehead.

"I love you too Carl"

Heyyyy. Well im really sorry about this i suck at these and doubt anyones gonna read them so toodlez. But if there is a chance that someone sees this...i take request. Just bare with me bc i suck

Carl Grimes ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now