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》a series of thoughts, images, and sensations occurring in a person's mind during sleep.《

》the brain's way of giving us our wishes when they are out of reach《

A pair of arms wrapped firmly around your waist with a comforting strength.

Laughter erupting from your mouth at what they said.

A little girl with brown hair and deepest blue eyes you'd ever seen.

She called you mommy.

A hand shaking your shoulder jolted you awake, and you rubbed your eyes to see your younger sister leaning over you, and eager smile on her face. "We're going to Gizmonia today!"

"Right." You grimaced, sitting up in your bed. Your sister, Rachel, climbed onto your lap, hairbrush in hand.

"Can I brush your hair?"

"Sure, make me pretty, pumpkin."

"You already are pretty, your suitor is so lucky!"

Her compliment made you smile, however the reminder that you were going to meet your arranged fiancee today was not pleasant. Your kingdom and the kingdom of Gizmonia were always on rocky terms, so this arranged marriage between you and the Prince was supposed to be beneficial and strengthen the ties between the kingdoms. However, you'd never met this Prince before, so now, two months before your wedding, you were meeting him for the first time. If the Queen of Gizmonia had her way, you would have been his bride in two days time, but your parents had managed to convince her otherwise. Thankfully, they too, were unsure about arranged marriages, theirs had been partly love and partly politics. Your was going to be purely politics, however.

Rachel was a little rough as she untangled the knots from your hair, but you still beared through it, knowing that it made her happy to help you like that. She rambled on about all the things a seven year old rambles about, and you waited patiently for her to be done. A knock came on your door, and you called for them to come in.

It was your mother, looking as though she were forcing her excitement. "Y/N, you need to get dressed! Big day!"

"Yes, mother." You stood to begin choosing a dress from your wardrobe. A few handmaidens came out to help you dress, while your mother ushered your sister out to get dressed in her own room.

You were stuffed into a light blue dress that wasn't as elegant as your ballgowns, however was still very formal, more than you preferred. The corset was pulled tight around your stomach and you bit your tongue to hold in your complaints. You've survived this before, you can do it again. Next, they seated you in a chair in front of your vanity for hair, makeup, and jewelry.

"You look so wonderful, Lady Y/N." The woman who had partially raised you, Katya, gushed as she adjusted a piece of your hair.

"Thank you, Katya." You nodded, and could see in the mirror that she frowned at your disheartened tone.

"Is there something bothering you, My Lady?"

"I'm meeting my husband for the first time today and I'm not supposed to be bothered by it. But I am."

"Don't fret, my girl, I've heard that the King of Gizmonia's son is very handsome. After all, your parents wouldn't choose anything less suitable for you."

With a small laugh, you stood up. "Of course. Thanks Katya. Are you accompanying me to Gizmonia?"

"I'm afraid not, they were very insistent that you would have your own set of servants given to you at their castle." She explained as your little sister burst into the room, throwing herself at you with excitement. "Besides, I've still gotta teach this one manners." Katya pinched Rachel's ear to get her off of you. "Come on! That's a new dress!"

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