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》the possibility of suffering harm or injury《

》reminders to be with those you love while you can《

After your breakfast with Amy, you knocked on the slightly ajar door to Leopold's room. A feminine voice told you to come in, and you saw Maryana pressing a damp washcloth to Leo's face and chest, an attempt to cool his fever. "How are you feeling, Leo?" You sat at the edge of his bed, not wanting to disturb him too much.

"I'm okay, Maryana's really nice." He informed you as the servant held up a cup for him to take a sip from.

"Yes, she is." You smiled at the kind girl, reaching over to brush away the strands of hair sticking to his sweaty forehead. "Anything I can do for you?"

"Can you tell me that story again? About the waterfall?"

"Of course."

There she was, Princess Amy of Gizmonia, walking down the aisle with a huge grin plastered across her face, white trail of her wedding gown flowing behind her. You were standing near the priest, opposite of King Mark as he waited in his formal king attire, golden crown glistening atop his head, in great contrast with his dark brown hair. But it couldn't have gleamed any brighter than your friend's face when she had reached the alter. Their vows discussed a past that you hadn't realized they had, they were childhood friends at one point, but neither said why they seemed so distant when Amy first brought him up to you. Finally, her veil was lifted, and the groom was allowed to kiss the bride. She was now Queen Amy of Fischbach, you thought to yourself as the smaller, silver crown replaced her wedding veil.

You couldn't contain your squeals at just how cute they were, and clapped along with the rest of the people in attendance. They were primarily nobles and the royals of other kingdoms. An exception was even made for Ethan to be one the guests rather than servants, after all, nobody could deny that his sister was getting married.

Following them back down the aisle, you frantically scanned the crowd for your parents and sister, knowing that they were for sure invited. A small frown was on your face as you realized you couldn't spot their faces in the crowd. Although, it was admittedly a very packed venue, you reminded yourself as you followed the entourage out to the courtyard of the Fischbach castle where the reception was being held.

On the dance floor, you stood with the rest of the crowd to watch the couple take their first dance together to the mellow waltz the orchestra arrangement was playing. Someone's hand brushed yours, and you looked to the man who was now standing at your right, a figure that brought a smile to your face every time you saw him.

"Hello, Ethan." You smiled up at him, he looked absolutely dashing in the formal attire he had been loaned by King Mark for this occasion. Not even the Queen fought against this, she claimed she didn't want him to embarass their kingdom by showing up in servants clothes. Most of these days you just wanted to stick one of her heels in her mouth to shut her up.

"My Lady is looking exceptionally beautiful on this occasion." He nodded to you, discretely lacing his fingers loosely with yours. Even this alone was dangerous, but you relied on the fact that everyone was focused on King Mark and his Queen Amy.

The music suddenly changed to a much peppier tune, and soon enough, others joined in. You were about to turn to Ethan to invite him to be your partner, but there was a familiar tug on your dress that caused you to whip aroud, looking for your sister. To your dismay, when you looked down, it was the brunette boy you were to be engaged to, and you had to immediately slap on a grin. "Hey Leo!"

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