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》the state of being happy《

》something that can never truly know until you've been through the unthinkable《

Gizmonia wasn't necessarily a welcome sight to you, making your insides clench and twist anxiously. But nonetheless, you steeled your nerves and held tighter to Fullsun's reins, urging him on quicker. The sounds of Ethan and Katya's horses were close behind you, giving some kind of confidence boost. But not much.

A thought suddenly came to you as you dwelt on your lack of a plan. What the hell were you going to do? Try to blackmail the Queen into letting Ethan take the throne? Have Ethan challenge his father over his exile? You knew that you couldn't possibly ask Ethan to kill his own father, and you weren't sure that he'd even be able to, no matter the circumstances.

Your arrival was frighteningly quiet. No patrols caught you, and the presence of the royal guard was almost nonexistent. It was... eerie to say the least.

The three of you slowed to a stop just at the beginnings of the steps of the castle. Dismounting from your horses, you still felt incredibly uneasy. You motioned to Katya and Ethan that you wanted to go around the castle, and they followed you.

You stopped at the courtyard. The gazebo that you'd had your first meal in Gizmonia at was a few feet away. The weapons shed that had hosted many of your memories was on the outskirts of it.

But at the center of it all, was a spectacle that shook you to your core.

Every member of the royal guard were there, encircling something you couldn't see. They split apart to reveal the King, the Queen, and Leopold. And they seemed to have all been waiting for you.

How exactly they knew you were coming back was beyond you. Maybe they had spies along the border that had spotted you returning and gave word ahead of time.

Leopold looked uncomfortable, in the most formal attire you'd ever seen him in, including the night of Amy's wedding. He looked up at his mother fearfully, and when his pitiful gaze fell to you, it struck you right in the heart. The King was fighting a slouch, his back probably already getting to him as he stood poised with his hand on his sword hilt. He looked so, so tired. And the Queen. The Queen was standing tall, nose upturned as she took in yours and Ethan's appearances. When her gaze landed on Katya, you couldve sworn it faltered for just a moment.

Katya let out a strangled gasp, whispering to herself, "Ellie."

Everything fell together for you, in that moment. The one blackmailing Katya, who was threatening to ruin the Queen's reputation, was the Queen herself. She had manipulated everyone, played them like chess pieces. To what end? Just to get Leopold on the throne? But that still felt... wrong.

"Leopold," the Queen finally spoke, breaking the silence that nobody had dared to touch before. "Draw your sword."

The boy seemed conflicted. You caught his eyes briefly before they flitted over to his brother, who shook his head desperately, telling him not to do it.

"This is not how it goes, Elena," you spoke up, jaw clenched but voice sonorous as it carried across the clearing. "And you know it."

"So you did end up reading that rulebook," she had a scowl on her face as she gestured for her son to stop.

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