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》the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government《

》sometimes a crime of greed, lust for power, and by a tyrant. other times its what's necessary for selfless love to flourish across the lands《

"How are you feeling, My Lady?" Ethan asked, clearly very concerned as you slid off Milaana gracefully to the ground. Ever since Dr. McLoughlin had given you the news, Ethan had been overly concerned about yours and the baby's safety.

"Ethan, I'm fine." You squeezed his arm briefly before letting go, the two of you still had to keep up appearances in front of the rest of the castle's residents.

Nobody could know about the relationship, your pregnancy, or your planning to depose the King and get Ethan on the throne. All of that in five days.

You walked up the path to the castle, and decided that you wanted to stop in the gardens for a moment. Ethan walked a polite distance to the side and slightly behind you as you surveyed the flowers. Most were barren or on the decline as fall started to settle in, but there was still one little bud blooming.

You kneeled down to observe the pale blue petals that the flower had. They reminded you of Ethan's beautiful eyes whenever he wore light colors, and you looked over your shoulder to look at him. He was standing with his hands clasped behind his back, and looking around as if he was a bodyguard and not a servant. Your heart leapt in your chest when the sunlight hit him just right and he was illuminated so beautifully you could imagine that one of God's angels was standing there, watching over you.

Ethan seemed to notice you, and brought his eyes back to look at you, and you both blushed as you made eye contact. This was what your relationship had been reduced to, blushing looks and the occasional order from a princess to her servant. Nothing more.

You stood up, brushing off your knees, but a wave of nausea brought you back down. Biting your lip, you tried to ground yourself again, and you felt a precense at your side. You were expecting Ethan's concerned voice to be in your ear, but instead it was one that you wished to never hear again.

"Y/N, my dear, are you alright?" The Queen of Gizmonia asked you, helping you up to your feet.

Your vision was spinning and you couldn't answer as the Queen barked out orders. "Leopold, take your fiancee inside. You, I will have a talk with you about your negligence in caring for the royalty placed in your charge!"

You managed to see Elena pointing a finger menacingly at Ethan as she screeched out the last sentance. Leopold appeared under your shoulder, and tried to aid you with as little physical contact to you as possible, probably remembering your last real conversation with him, in the hallway outside the infirmary.

Your mouth opened to try to croak out a sorry to Ethan, but another wave of nausea rocketed up, so you had to close it and let Leo guide you inside. The world became more clear and focused as you made your way through the castle with the Young Prince, and soon you could find your footing again as the cool air of the castle corridors brushed against your skin.

"I'm taking you to the physician." Leo muttered, and you looked down at him with an appreciative smile.

"Thank you, Leo." You pressed a gentle kiss to the top of his head, and he rolled his eyes, but had his own smile on his face.

It looked like your previous good rapport had been reestablished. He was just like your little brother, something you needed now more than ever, since your own younger sibling was gone. As this thought crept into your mind again, you realized you hadn't even had any correspondance with your parents on the matter. Not a single letter from them. They must be devastated.

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