The Outburst

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Jesse POV:

    I hope we'll win this year," I said as I skipped beside Axel and Olivia. I watched as the two of them exchanged glances before looking at me. "Jesse, I wouldn't get my hopes up," Axel said before Olivia elbowed him. "Well, there's always hope," Olivia said, but I knew she didn't mean it. I looked down at my feet again, counting my steps as we walked towards Endercon.

    Axel and Olivia thought I was just a silly child. I know because I can hear them talking about it at night when they think I'm not listening. Ever since I was little, I knew I was different. I was always either too happy or too sad. Too loud or too quiet. Too outgoing or not outgoing enough. Nonetheless, Axel and Olivia loved me for who I am, and accepted me into their friend group even though I was two years younger than them.

    The thing I don't tell most people is that I was born with a gift. I have a photographic memory, I'm good at solving puzzles and connecting the dots, math is childsplay to me, and I've always been pretty reasonable on big issues. I was also very perceptive. Petra calls me a human computer. But she's the only one who knows about it. I try to hide it the best I can, so when I'm around people, they usually just see my happy nature, which tends to rub off on most people as childish. After a few years, I started to get quieter and quieter. I said less and listened more. I did what I was told and went along with what everyone else said. Now I only keep that personality around Axel, Olivia, and Petra. Everyone else thinks I'm the quiet and shy girl.

    Still, listening helps me to gain a better perspective of the things around me. I hear more points of view. I learn new facts. I notice little details that other people don't notice. My mind has gotten pretty complicated over the years, but to everyone else, the most complicated thing inside of me is the ability squeak out a short 'hello' before hiding behind Axel or Olivia and hoping they forget I'm there. It's a lot easier to listen when I'm just a spectator to the conversation.

    Anyways, we finally arrived at Endercon and I was filled to the brim with excitement. I had a feeling that this would finally be the year we won. Axel and Olivia had decided to build a creeper with fireworks in the background, which sounded like an awesome idea to me. I smiled before I realised who was at the sign up booth. The ocelots. They were always trying to get the best of us and we were constantly taunted by them for not having won a single competition. Axel and Olivia glared as we made our way up to them.

    "Well, well, well. If it isn't the order of the losers," I heard Aiden say as we came to a halt. I glared at him too. Aiden was probably the worst of them. He always went out of his way to make life harder and had no remorse no matter what he did. "Lukas, check out these losers," Gill said. From what I've observed, Gill wasn't very smart. He mainly just followed Aiden around and agreed with everything he said. Then there was Maya. She was a jerk too and she practically worshipped Aiden. As much of a jerk as she is though, I couldn't help but feel bad for her, seeing as how she was the only girl. And last of all, there was Lukas. Lukas was the only one of them who I didn't hate. I'd even go so far as to say I liked him. He seemed pretty intelligent and he tried to stop his team from bullying us when he could, which is what he did right now.

    "Let's go guys. Leave them alone," he said, leading his team away. Aiden sneered at us as he left, and we glared back until the lady asked us our name. "We're the nether maniacs," Olivia said. The lady nodded and wrote something down on her clipboard before directing us to booth five.

    I was a bit disappointed to find out that we were right next to the ocelot's booth, but my good feeling still remained. We were sizing up the other competitors when Aiden, Maya, and Gill approached us. "So, how's team trashbag doing?" he asked. We all glared at him, so he kept talking. "Oh! And you brought the cling-on with you," he said, gesturing to me. Aiden always referred to me as an extra, instead of a member of the team. It always got to me, but I didn't let it show.

    "Leave Jesse alone! She never did anything to you," Olivia offended. "She never gave me a reason not to either. She's an idiot. She'll hold you guys back," he said. I can only take so much. Olivia opened her mouth to speak, but I stopped her. "No, Olivia. Let me handle this," I said. I stepped in front of Olivia so I was face to face with Aiden.

    "Listen, Aiden. I've had enough of you. You're nothing but a jerk who finds amusement in hurting other people, and you can say whatever you want, but until you actually show some basic human decency, your words mean nothing to me, Axel, or Olivia, because so far you haven't shown me anything that differentiates you from a pile of shit," I said. Everyone seemed shocked by my outburst, but Aiden was totally unfazed. "Oh, I'm so offended by your insults," Aiden mocked. I glared at him. "It's not an insult. It's a fact," I said, stepping back and standing next to Olivia again. "Good job. I didn't know you had that in you," Olivia whispered in my ear. Before they could say anything else, we heard Lukas say something from behind Aiden.

    "Aiden, they're right. You have no reason to keep harassing them. Just back off and get back to working on the build," he said. I smiled at Lukas as Aiden and Maya grudgingly did as they were told. Just then I heard Petra come up from behind us. "Hey, guys. How's the build going?" she asked. I shrugged. "We haven't even started yet," I said. She nodded in understanding before Lukas came up from behind us.

    "Hey, Petra. I forgot to thank you for that nether star," he said. Petra nodded. "Yeah, Lukas. No problem," she replied. I looked over to see Axel and Olivia with surprised expressions. I was the only one who knew that Petra was friends with Lukas. "Wait... you helped these tools?" Axel asked. Axel and Olivia both still hated Lukas. Neither of them realised that he was different than the others. "For the right price, I'll help anyone," Petra said. Then she leaned down to whisper in my ear. "Way to show Aiden who's boss. And don't worry. I haven't told anyone about your secret," Petra said. I nodded and gave her a grateful smile before she walked off. Lukas turned toward us.

    "No hard feelings guys. If you're cool with Petra, you're cool with us. I'm sorry about what Aiden said about you Jesse? Can we just... you know... put this whole thing behind us and make this about how cool our builds are?" he said with a hopeful smile. I smiled back, but Olivia and Axel didn't seem so delighted. "Not after what Aiden said to Jesse," Axel said, folding his arms. "Yeah. That was completely uncalled for," Olivia said, putting a hand on her hip. I put a hand on both their shoulders in an attempt to calm them down. "Guys, relax. That wasn't Lukas' fault," I said. I turned to Lukas. "May the best team win," I said. Lukas chuckled. "Be careful what you wish for," he said. I smirked. "I chose my words pretty carefully, thank you very much," I said before turning back to my team.

    "Wow, Jesse," Olivia said as Lukas left. "You're acting... different," Axel said. "In a good way," Olivia corrected. "What do you guys mean by that?" I asked. "You know. Standing up to the ocelots, flirting with Lukas, You've just been more outgoing and confident today. I like-" I cut him off. "I wasn't flirting with Lukas! I was just being friendly," I sputtered. Olivia and Axel looked at each other before looking back at me. "Suuuuure you weren't," they said in unision. I sighed. I had bigger problems to worry about. I just completely dropped my act back there and I can't let it happen again.

    When my parents died, I was taken from my home and people experimented on me to find out more about my condition. It's like I know stuff I haven't even learned yet. It's not that I'm smart. It's like I have a computer chip implanted in my brain. And I'm the only one with this condition. At least, as far as the world know. I hated those tests with a burning passion. The scientists referred to me is "it" and they treated me like an animal. After two years, I was able to escape, and then Axel and Olivia found me and took me in.

    If someone found me out, they might come for me again. I try to act shy because if I get cocky, I can forget everything I'm supposed to hide and no doubt I'll make a slip-up and someone will figure it out.

    I breathed in and out slowly as I tried to calm myself down. Don't get too excited. You got yourself too hyped up. Calm down. Don't let the excitement go to your head. As the lady was stating the rules of the building competition, I was focusing on calming myself down. I can't loose my cool.

Hope you guys like it :)

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