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Waking, I felt a towel dab my forehead and a close voice ranting in that monkey language. Feeling around, I found that I was too comfy to be on the floor. And my chest was vibrating. Looking down, I saw Kar purring on my chest and that I was laying in a white covered bed.

Looking over I saw a small woman grinning at me. I blinked, because I wasn't joking when I said small. She wasn't even two feet tall. Looking at her friendly face, however, reminded me of a mother. Kind brown eyes, wispy white hair that spoke of age, her skin was pale and gently wrinkled, and she smelt of home. Like how a grandmother was supposed to make you your favourite meal, or bake you cookies when you saw them.

I'd never had that. Never had a mother or a grandmother. Apparently I'd been dumped at an adoption centre and they had no clue as to who I was. They'd called me Kyra because of a character in a story one of the ladies had been reading. Caser came from a family I'd been adopted into and since I'd enjoyed living with them, I'd kept their name after they weren't able to look after me any longer because man of the house had become dangerously, suddenly ill.

I blinked before any tears could make themselves known and wondered why this lady was standing over me. She made me think of a tiny angel.

"Who are you?" I didn't mean to sound rude, but the small lady grinned at me.

"I Aloiene, Shorna," Aloiene grinned while all I could do was moan, great, more confusing names. "Van'Vasata said I to be Shorna Kyra's sajorte, Shorna."

What? "Um... can you just speak in English? I don't understand Elvish."

"If you like, Princess."

God that sounded worse. "Um... would you mind repeating what you said before in English? Sorry. And could you not call me Princess?"

" 'O course, Sho– Kyra. I said : I Aloiene, Princess. Silver Arrow said I to be Princess Kyra's servant, Princess."


Aloiene grinned at me. "A honour it be."

An honour? To be a servant? "I don't want a servant."

Aloiene's grin dimmed to a smile. "Then I be helpful friend!"

I chuckled at her optimism. Her way of changing words so that it would sound better but still be the same. "If your my friend, then you would mind if I call you, Al for short?"

"A nickname? I feel Hrive'Isia near year early for me!"

I had no idea what that was, but with the way the old lady practically jumped with joy, I was glad I gave her a nickname. Even if it was only because I would find it easier to say Al than her whole name all the time.

"Here, here, Princess, I breakfast here," she rushed off the bed with a jump in her step to push over a trolley with a covered plate and glass of juice. I sighed as she called me Princess again, but in her excitement, I couldn't find it in me to correct her.

Climbing back on the bed, she pulled out something that slid from under the top of the trolley, and with a couple of flicks, was placing a table over my lap. Then she moved the plate and juice over. Once it was all set with silverware, she lifted the cover and the most intoxicating aroma rose from the dish, making my mouth water. On the plate was chicken and mushrooms on one side, while the other held apples and grapes. As much as fruit and meat didn't go together, I didn't complain. It looked too damn good.

Taking my first bite of the apple gave me a spicy favour that worked so well with the apple I moaned. The plate was gone seconds later.

"You enjoyed, Kyra?"

"That was the best I've ever had, thank you, who cooked it?"

With the way Al was beaming, I wasn't surprised at her answer. "I cooked, Kyra. Glad you enjoyed so much!"

I grinned at her contagious happiness. "Thank you."

She flustered and blushed at my compliment. "An honour, Kyra." Then she suddenly seemed to remember something. "Your guards in main room, waiting. You like help to dress?"

"No I'll be fine... where are my clothes?"

"All in closet, Kyra," she pointed to the closest that I hadn't seen until now. "I be washing and drying this dishes, just go through door to main room." Once again she pointed in the direction of what she was talking about.

"What's through that door?" I asked, nodding in it's direction as he placed all the plates on the trolley.

"That be the bathroom. Only yours that one. The other from main room is for all."

"I'm the only one with a ensuite?"

"You be the Princess, Kyra," Al reminded me as she tucked the table back under the top of the trolley after a couple of flicks.

Thanking her, I lifted Kar off my lap where he'd curled up after I'd moved to eat. "Could I have a shower?"

Al looked back at me, grinning, as she jumped off the side of the bed. "What you not understand? You Princess, guards will wait."

Nodding, I watched as she pushed the trolley out of the room. Kar jumped down and followed her out. Deciding to be quick, I took a minute – okay, so it was five minutes – shower, then went over to the closet, opening it, I gasped. The room that I was standing in was a beautiful sky blue, with a forest green carpet, the closet was the colour of the sun. the walls were a sunshine yellow and the carpet was a calm, but fiery orange. Opposite to the door where I was standing was a mirror that covered the walls. It reflected the bedroom, making it seem as though there was another room beyond the sun. Of course, I knew there wasn't, but the illusion...

Shaking my head, I looked around at all the doors and draws. Opening the first, I found it full. Opening the next and the next and the next until I'd opened them all showed that they were all full. Of my clothes and clothes like mine. They'd brought my clothes here then went shopping for clothes like them. I wasn't sure whether to feel annoyed or happy. For now, I decided happy.

Going through, I chose a simple pair of black trousers, and a dark purple top. Looking in the mirror showed that while it made me look as pale as I was, my hair made it work and showed off my features, and the top was a darker colour to my eyes, showing them off. Finding the shoes, I slipped on a ankle height pair of Vans that had the poofy part around the ankle section. Finding a brush on a counter near the mirror, I brushed my hair until it was no longer a bed mess. I didn't bother with make-up, it would be too heavy on me, it always was.

Leaving through the door that Al had told me would take me to the main room, I took a deep breath.

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