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I sat in silence around Addie's table while everyone was making jokes and talking about all the great things that happened last night, but Addie's words were constantly replaying in my head. How did she know I kissed Jen when I saw her kissing Trent before I did anything? Also, what all did Luke tell her about me? I had so many questions and zero idea on who to go to for the answers.

"Ashton, you okay? You seem out of it." Luke said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah." I cleared my throat. "I'm fine, just got too into my thoughts right then." I laughed, trying my best to get into the conversation everyone was having. Trent was talking about his tattoos and I swear I was going to die from boredom, everyone else seemed so interested but I personally couldn't stand this guy. This guy acted like he owned the world and he always needed to be the center of attention, it made me want to break his neck. He would say things, but every other word would be a swear word or some literal gibberish that no one understood. He was annoying, to say the least.

"Jesse and I have matching tattoos we did for a dare. Mine is on my leg and his is on his arm, it's literally the funniest shít ever." He laughed. "I don't know why we fūcking thought playing a game on our fūcking skin was a good idea, but it's literally one of my favorite tattoos."

Everyone started laughing at the story but I just rolled my eyes. I don't understand why Addie was with such a døuchebag, you can already tell that he'll cheat on her. "How many tattoos do you have?" I asked, trying my best to make myself seem interested. I didn't care at all about him, but if I wanted Addie to be in my life, I had to play nice.

"I honestly have no idea, I lost track after 20, I think." He looked down at his arm, looking at his tattoos that made him look like a walking doodle. "I got this one for Addie." He pointed at a hand doing the peace sign on his upper arm. "She drew it for me for my birthday when I was 16 and I loved it so much, I got it tattooed on me."

"To this day, it's the sweetest thing anybody has ever done for me." She smiled, leaning her head on his shoulder. I held back on rolling my eyes at him, and it was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. "I drew a few of Trent's tattoos, but he changed them up a little bit to fit his aesthetic, but he didn't change a single thing about that peace sign." She said, kissing where the tattoo is.

Physically being around Trent was going to be a lot harder than I thought it would be.


It was 8 p.m. and I was sitting at Luke's house, waiting for something interesting to happen. I swear, you can watch someone lose in Street Fighter so many times until it gets boring. I heard Luke's phone ding and he signaled me to get it, so I did.

It was from Addie.

I'll be over soon, just needed to drop Trent off since he fūcked up his car.

Aight the doors unlocked just come in when you get here.

I sighed and locked his phone, tossing it on the bed. I got up and started looking for my keys, I honestly don't think I could see Addie right now, it just seemed impossible. "Alright, I'm off." I said to Luke. He paused his game and looked over at me with a concerned look, one I haven't seen in a long time.

"What's up? Why are you leaving so soon?" He asked.

I shrugged in response, trying to think of something clever other than I really don't want to see Addie right now. But I couldn't think of anything clever. "I gotta go do some stuff." I looked at my watch, it was 12:30am. "I also have work early in the morning, so there's that." I lied, him laughing at me.

"Alright, even though your dads shop is closed on Sundays, have fun at work." He turned his chair towards the TV, picking up where the game left off.

"Are you not going to ask me why I lied?" I asked, him shaking his head.

"I already know." He laughed. "I don't get why you don't want to see her, she's the one that shouldn't wanna see you."

I furrowed my brows together. "Why not?" I said, sitting back down next to him. "She made a move on Trent before I even thought about touching Jen. I really wanted to see where shit goes between her and I, but I guess I just have to settle for less since she's taken by this literal piece of shit that is going to break her heart in like 3 months."

"You don't even know him." Luke chuckled. "He's not like that at all. He's an asshole, but he has never cheated on anybody. A lot of scum bags have morals," he took a long pause, looking over at me. " you should know this."

I tried to think of something witty to say, but I was stumped. He really got me there. I rolled my eyes as I sat back down, pulling out my phone to keep myself busy. Luke looked over his shoulder and let out a smug laugh, but I wasn't going to entertain this. I just wanted to think.

I heard footsteps coming down his steps and I felt my heart racing. I don't know what it was about this girl, why she was so special, but she was. She peaked her head into the room, her long blonde hair flowing effortlessly with every move she made. I didn't realize what she was wearing until right now, she was dressed in a tight black skirt and a tank top that showed off the tiniest bit of her stomach; she looked stunning, but for her that was an everyday thing.

"Hey guys," her delicate voice echoed in the room. "Do either of you have a pair of pants I can borrow?"

"Yeah, just pick whatever you can find from the closet." Luke said, barely looking at her. I don't know how he could just ignore her like that. I get that they're friends, but ignoring her would be like ignoring the Sistine Chapel: only a fool can do such a thing. Her long, golden locks hit her waist in the most poetic way and her skin was so radiant. I truly felt like I was watching a painting that had come to life.

She turned around, holding a pair of purple sweatpants, smiling at us. "Literally it was impossible to find these in there. All you own is like skinny jeans and weird shorts." She laughed. God, her laugh was the most beautiful sound in the world. It could cure cancer just from how pure it was.

"Those aren't mine, I think Ashton left those here a while ago." Luke said, snapping me out of the hold this girl had on me.

I looked at the sweatpants she was holding and gave her a small smile. "You can keep those. They probably look better on you than they do on me, anyway." I smiled at her, her returning the gesture.

"Why, thank you, Mr. Irwin." She smiled. "I'll make sure to take good care of them." She said, giving me a big smile before walking out of the room.

I just can't wrap my brain around how someone so beautiful can cause me so much frustration.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2018 ⏰

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