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"Are you sure you want to do this?" Augustus asked her. He'd asked possibly a million times already, but it didin't stop him from asking her again. 

Hazel looked up at him. "I have to see how they're doing." Augustus nodded, but his expression was worried. Hazel had passed on, and was now with Augustus forever. 

Their little infinity just got bigger. But some infinities are bigger than other infinities. 

 Augustus and Hazel walked to Hazel's house. It was strange, how it worked here in Heaven. There was no white castle, God didn't greet you when you came. Well, unless you consider Augustus a god ( which she did ). 

Heaven was laied out just as Earth is, if you consider Heaven is not on Earth. In actuality, you still walk the Earth, but everything is a faded color, and the alive people ( Hazel was going to have to get used to saying yhat ) are brighter. They also can't hear you, or see you. 

Hazel walked into her house, Augustus trailing behind her, and searched for her mother. She found her soon enough. Crying, curled up in a ball in her bed, lay her mother. She murmbled Hazel's name a couple times, and Hazel regretted coming back. Augutus was right. She didn't want to do this. 

Hazel ran out of the room, not needing to lug around her oxygen tank anymore. She could beathe normally, and hey, no more cancer. Augustus tried to catch her, but Hazel was too quick. She stopped running when she threw herself onto the couch. She didn't know where her dad was, but didn't want to see him either. 

Hazel covered her face with a pillow. She could move things, but they wouldn't move in actual real life.

Augustus caught up to her and sat on the floor by her head. He turned towards her and pulled her into a hug. It was uncomfortable, so Augustus pulled her off the couch, and cradled her in his arms. The two of them sat on the floor, a tangled mes of limbs. She wept into his shirt, and silently cursed herself for crying this much

She wanted to go back. She wanted to leave. But there was someone else she wanted to see first. 

"I want to see Isaac."

The Fault in Our StarsWhere stories live. Discover now