The Quiet (Tauriel)

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I am no stranger to death. I have seen it, caused it, and witnessed it.

But never, has it ever hurt this much. Kili was hoping for the impossible, and I feel as though we could have achieved it. 

As I am bent over him now my body wrenches with pain, a scream like wail rips out of my chest.

"We will bury him, alongside his uncle and brother." I tense, Balin I believe he was called. He had a white beard that split in two and a red garment. I feel a red seeping across my face, the tears return. Balin offers his arms and I crouch into them.

"There there, Kili will be properly remembered." Balin assures me. I nod and take deep breaths, Balin gently lets me go and quietly departs. Another pair of footsteps echos a while after Balin's soft thumps.

"An impossible love." Thranduil's voice rings "Why are you so grief stricken?" I turn away, I owe Thranduil no respect, he banished me. The man who raised me threw me away as if I was nothing. 

"If it was so impossible why does it hurt so much?" I look at him pouring as much emotion and pain as I possibly can into my deep blue eyes... I have brought his guard down, I see it in the shadow crossing his face.

"Because..." He seems hesitant, almost unwilling to tell "It was real." I rise and brush past him, I can't look at Kili's dead face anymore. I hear Thranduil call something that sounds like "Radagast!?" a whooshing noise and some whispering followed by chanting, I imagine it's full of curses to Kili's name.

I am wounded, broken... cracks running deeper than when my mother committed suicide.

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