5) Good Morning - Xiumin

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You woke up to find a particularly handsome sleeping baozi right next to you.

You found it surprising that you woke up before Xiumin did. He would always be awake before you and pwould already be downstairs making coffee for the both of you, while you slept. He would also be the one to wake you up and give you breakfast before he left to go practice with the other members of EXO.

But today was different. Here he was, snuggling next to you, still sleeping at 10:55 am -- 3 hours and 55 minutes later than the time he usually woke up.

At first, you were worried that he would be late for practice but, you then remembered that it was his day off today.

You laid there beside him and watched him peacefully sleep. After a while of admiring your adorable boyfriend, you decided that it was time for the both of you to get up.

"Xiuu..." You cooed into his ear.

He stirred a little in his sleep and replied with a little hum. But after his little response, he went back to his peaceful, unconscious state.

You sighed and poked his chubby baozi cheeks and giggled as another attempt to wake him up.

He turned away from you, his back facing you. You groaned at your lack progress in waking the manly dumpling up.

"Xiumin~" you whispered.

He turned again, but this time, he faced the ceiling, with his eyes still closed shut.

This boy really is sleepy, huh. Your last resort in waking him up was pretty much desperate. Although, you wouldn't mind doing it, and you were sure Xiumin would enjoy it as well.

You had made up your mind and sat up straight. You leant down and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. No reaction.

You did the same thing again and again. After a while of showering him with kisses, you saw a smile tugging at his lips. Hah. Caught you.

You cupped both his cheeks and gently placed a kiss on his lips, knowing his weakness.

You felt his arms wrap around you and pull you closer. Mission complete, I woke up the dumpling. Oh, how the tables have turned.

You both pulled away due to the lack of oxygen your lungs were receiving.

"Good morning oppa~" you said with a warm smile.

He pulled you into a tight hug and nuzzled into the crook or your neck.

"A good morning indeed, ____." He mumbled.

He pulled away from the hug and looked at the clock which read 11:26 am.

"___, how long have you been trying to wake me up?" He asked.

You looked at the clock and quickly did ur best to estimate using easy mental math (a/n hehehe probably got this number wrong tbh).

"Um... about half an hour I think." You answered.

His eyes opened wide as he realized the time.

"Oh. I'm sorry I didn't wake up earlier. I usually do. I guess I was just really tired this whole week and I don't think I've rested enough and you see, I wa-" He was adorably rambling on about nonsense but you decided to put him out of his misery and cut him off with a kiss on the lips.

At first, Xiumin was completely frozen but soon responded to your kiss, making it more passionate than you intended.

When you both pulled away, his cute gummy smile, paired with his flushed pink cheeks were quickly replaced with a smirk and a raised eyebrow.

"Maybe I should sleep in more often." He said cheekily while he wiggled his eyebrow.

You laughed in response and playfully hit his chest.

"Let's go downstairs and have something to eat before this 'good morning' becomes a 'good afternoon'." You suggested.

He smiled and nodded, then, gave you another quick peck on the cheek before getting out of bed.

It was a good morning indeed.


Sooooooooooooo...... Did you like it??

Made it super squishy and fluffy with just a hint of byuntae (not really but if you have a not-so-pure mind, I think you would've thought of something not-so-pure... 😏).

This is 5/12 of the EXO members yay!! Almost halfway done the first batch!

I really hope you are enjoying reading this as much as I enjoyed writing/typing it.

[UPDATE!] So, Wattpad has this app called Tap. I made a little thing there where there are like imagines/one-shots of you texting them. It would start out with a little bubble telling you who you are to certain EXO member! If you want, you can check it out! It's called "EXO Texts Imagines/Scenarios" and I use the same username (@awh0exo). I already posted a Kyungsoo scene and I'm in the process of writing a Baekhyun as well as a Suho one (which will soon be posted). I hope you like it!!

Don't forget to vote and comment if you liked this one shot/imagine


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